Take Inventory and Save Time on Claims

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Take Inventory and Save Time on ClaimsBy anticipating a claim, you could save yourself time and money! This website makes it easy: KnowYourStuff.org. It allows you to upload photos, receipts, appraisals, and descriptions for free. Features include taking [...]
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First US Death in Texas Due to Swine Flu

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First US Death in Texas Due to Swine FluThe first death due to swine flu has been reported today. A young boy reported to be either 22 or 23 months old died in Texas while he was visiting with his family from Mexico. President Obama has asked congress [...]
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Justin Timberlake's The Phone Debut's Tonight

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Justin Timberlake's The Phone Debut's TonightJustin Timberlake wants you to answer The Phone. We've got the inside scoop on MTV's exciting new show, The Phone, produced by Justin Timberlake. How? We got connections...Joel stars-- nephew of our very own [...]
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How To Get An Immediate 10% Savings On Your Car Insurance

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, September 26, 2011

How To Get An Immediate 10% Savings On Your Car Insurance Insurance can be confusing at the best of times, but here are some of the most common misconceptions about auto insurance coverage. The colour of your car affects your insurance rate. Most [...]
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Tips to Keep Your Home From Being a Target for Burglars

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Advice from Consumers Union of U.S., Inc.Tips to Keep Your Home From Being a Target for Burglars A home is robbed every 14.6 seconds and the average dollar loss per burglary is $2,119, according to statistics just released [...]
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Mozilla Debating a 5-Week Release Schedule for Firefox

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I think it is safe to say that the new six week rapid release cycle for Mozilla Firefox internet browser has drawn a lot of controversy since it was announced and put into effect. However, it seems as if Mozilla likes the [...]
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Windows 8 Developer Preview

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Windows 8, the highly anticipated followup to the hugely successful Windows 7 operating system from Microsoft, was displayed, albeit briefly, way back at D9. However, Anaheim is where the new OS is really going to kick off. Microsoft is starting its [...]
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Bronyville Livestream Recordings/Wrapup

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Bronyville event was a huge success!  For those that missed it, GhostWolf over on Ponychan recorded some of the key moments, including the god damn MAGNETO.Check out the links below! I'll post actual streams as [...]
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Nightly Roundup #95

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It has been at least a week since Fluttershy had a night, so Fluttershy time!Read more [...]
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Story: Rising Tension (Update Part 5+6+7+8!)

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[Shipping] Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy shipping? That's kind of a strange combo tbh!Author: Speccy Description: Fluttershy has hidden feelings for a certain hyperactive pony but has trouble getting it out.Rising Tension Rising [...]
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Story: Blueblood Returns (Update Story 3!)

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[Normal][Comedy]Author: GeldonDescription: Despite her best efforts to the contrary, Prince Blueblood has returned for Rarity! It's up the other mane five and Spike to bring about a happy ending to this fairy tale. This [...]
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Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Part 2!)

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[Grimdark] [Adventure]Author: Visiden VisidaneDescription: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.Upheaval: Breaking Point Part 1 Upheaval: Breaking [...]
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Story: Luna's Best Night Ever (Update Part 7!)

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[Normal][Shipping] So much shipping today! Have some Twiluna Author: The-Symbol-DynamicDescription: Princess Luna only wants to do her part to make the Grand Galloping Gala the best night ever for her saviors, the Elements [...]
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PMV: Book of Pony Round 2 / Rarity - Fashion / Particle Horse

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, September 10, 2011

I really hope Scootaloo and Dash have a bit of hangout time in season two.  All these flight training fics and videos make them seem like the perfect duo.  1.) The Book of Pony: Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash (But [...]
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YTP: The Grand Galloping Collab

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It's YTP time. As with all videos in this style, it is filled to the brim with all sorts of inappropriate and non-worksafe stuff. Enjoy! You can find it after the break. Read more [...]
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Comic: Cutie Mark Crusaders Ninja Fashion Fixers!

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Story: A Broken Bond (Update Part 5!)

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[Normal][Sad]Author: Rated-R PonyStarDescription: Apple Bloom wants to try out Scootaloo's scooter, but Scootaloo refuses without giving a reason. Apple Bloom decides to try it out in secret, but an accident happens that [...]
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Cereal Forgot the Title (Bronyville Livestream Discussion)

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>mfw Seth's and my section in the Mareathon is over.Feel free to make fun of us for anything we said. Just make sure to stay tuned for Phoe and Tek- they're on at 11PM blog time, which is in just under three hours. They're [...]
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YTPMV: On To Ponytown v2 / Sex with Ponies / Terrapony

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This has absolutely nothing to do with what you think it is. 1.) On To Ponytown v22.) Sex with Ponies. 3.) Terrapony Read more [...]
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Comics: Scootawhiplash

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SourceJust what have I become, my sweetest friend? Everypony I know goes away in the end. But you could have it all, my empire of dirt. Scootaloo will let you down. Scootaloo will make you hurt. Ha ha, it is a clever metaphor [...]
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Story: A World Without Rainbows (Updated Part Act 2 Part 6!)

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[Normal] Alternate Universe time! Author: UberPhoenixDescription: What if Rainbow Dash failed her Sonic Rainboom at the end of "Cutie Mark Chronicles"? Twilight awakes in a strange land where everything is a bit... different, [...]
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Story: Evil's Twilight

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[Dark][Adventure]Author: Kuroi Tsubasa TenshiDescription: When unforeseen weather disrupts the Winter Wrap Up effort, Twilight is left to fend for herself. She stumbles upon a once in a lifetime experience, but everything [...]
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Story: With a Heavy Heart (Update Part 8!)

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[Shipping][Sad] Author: KrypqeDescription: Pinkie Pie is gone, Vanished, in the dead of night. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is on the verge of losing Two more of her closest friends, as she learns of the complications of a [...]
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Comics: After the Hurricane/Back to the Past

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SourceToday's a comics extravaganza, because I've got a bunch of them, and Seth is either too busy or too lazy to schedule the day. And since he never checks these things, I can say this kind of thing about him in public [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #181

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Never did play this game! It was always on my list though.Have some art.  Source 1Read more [...]
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Story: Of Two Minds (Update Complete!)

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[Normal]Author: C. Theron VulpinDescription: Taking a very different perspective on the term "Twixie," this is the tale of a mind-swap spell gone wrong.Of Two Minds (New Chapter 7+8!) Additional Tags: Magical Mishap, NOT [...]
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Story: Solar Flare (Update Story 3 Part 2!)

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[Grimdark-War][Sad] Author: DragryphonDescription: The War of the Night, an event so hushed up that only small legends left behind tell of the time it occurred. A discovered tome, however, reveals the history of the war, [...]
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Story: A Chat with Rainbow Dash

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[Normal][Crossover]Author: John PerryDescription: From my studies in Equestrian hippology, I present an interview I conducted with famed mare Rainbow Dash regarding Equestrian culture and her response to her popularity amongst [...]
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Comic: Super Smash Ponies (Update Part 7,8,9!)

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SourceThis comic has a really interesting visual style. It's not FiM accurate in the slightest and it's very unapologetic about that, but with the simplified faces, the stretchy, shiny bodies, and the black and white aesthetic, [...]
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Super Filly Adventure

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Do you have weird urges to shed your human life and just BE a FILLY?! Well now is your chance! Super Filly Adventure lets you wander around ponyville and do all sorts of pony related tasks while sporting a brand new yellow [...]
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Story: Guardians (Update! Chapter 11!)

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[Grimdark][Normal]Author: WarHorse72Description: Twilight always knew the military wasn't wanted by most ponies. But it takes a trip to Stalliongrad going wrong for her to realize just how much they kept order and safety [...]
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Facebook Page ScreenshotDay #3

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Poor Fluttershy! Everypony seems so sad in season two! Confound this chocolate rain...Not too much to dig for this time.  There isn't any corn at least.Edit: Have an extra! Twilight being badass as usual.  Also [...]
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Comic: Panel Play

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SourceWe showed you guys the first two comics in this series a while back, but Solar Slash keeps churning them out. And if he wants to keep drawing ridiculously cute Pinkie Pies and their comic panel shenanigans, far be [...]
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Story: Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship

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[Crossover][Adventure][Comedy][Random]Author: Jake HeritaguDescription: Twilight Sparkle has finally gotten tired of Overlord Celestia's tyrannical rule over the Netherworld. No longer being able to stand it anymore she [...]
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Comics: Braeburn and Carrot Top/ Fourze and Luna

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Source: Whirly WillowPairings are all the rage these days. Everypony has to have somepony, or else they are nopony. Do you hear that, single ponies? Get crackin'! I want to see you all paired off by the time the sun is down. [...]
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Story: Letters and Words / In Defense of Acre / So Sweet and Tasty

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Three stories from Hiddenbrony, all found after the break!  Read more [...]
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Comic: Battle for Equestria (New Page 7+8!)

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Madmax does this really crazy Pinkie Pool Comic series every friday, so I'm going to compile them all into this Equestria Battle post!Comics #7+8 are out!  You can find it below!Read more [...]
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Story: Storms On the Horizon (Update Part 2!)

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[Adventure]Author: EeveexpertDescription: Reports of strange, almost sentient storms have been trickling into Canterlot from all over Equestria during the past month, and Princess Celestia has noticed an uncanny similarity [...]
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Nightly Roundup #94

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Ponies dancing edition, for no particular reason.  Have some news. Read more [...]
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Story: Near Death Experience (Update Part 9+10!)

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[Grimdark][Shipping][Comedy] I'm trying to decide if the normal tags or the additional ones break my head more. Jury's still out. Author: Hadles Description: A horrible accident lands a pony on the crossroads between [...]
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Story: Sepia Tock: Adventures of the Ponyville Clockmaker (Update Part 5!)

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[Comedy][Normal] Hey! Finally someone wrote some other form of fanon for the dude with the hourglass! Author: CanvasWolfDollDescription: Sepia Tock is an artisan, friend, and citizen of Ponyville. He is not, however, Doctor [...]
More aboutStory: Sepia Tock: Adventures of the Ponyville Clockmaker (Update Part 5!)

Story: Within and Without (Update 10, 11, 12, 13!)

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[Adventure] [Normal] [Light Shipping]Author: Cloudy SkiesDescription: Twilight and her friends are approached by Princess Luna who asks a few simple questions that trigger a long and perilous journey. Did you ever stop to [...]
More aboutStory: Within and Without (Update 10, 11, 12, 13!)