Blogger Restored Posts.

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, May 15, 2011

How has this Rarity image not been used on a fic yet?!

Anyway I'm just manually restoring the posts lost on the 11th since blogger seems to have skipped me.

You can find them all below! Please go star vote stories you have read (assuming they need it since apparently some apparently kept their star votes!)

Common Sky-Fanfic
Cupcake Maze-Game
Calling the Shots- Fanfic
Jack and the Ponies -Fanfic
Trix of the Trade- Fanfic

Yep, pretty much all fics. That's how this pony draught is going to work though I suppose!  Who would have thought.

I omitted one of the Trixie stories, since it really needed some editing anyway.  It was at the top of the front page for a full 14 hours so I'm pretty sure it got plenty of attention.

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