Highest Quality Possible Unofficial Soundtrack

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, May 16, 2011

A brony who goes by the name of "CaptainComedy" is compiling/editing all of the songs in the series into a massive 3-4 disc compilation.  Everything is as high on the quality scale as possible with our current resources. 

Disc one is now complete, which includes all of the typical songs (Winter Wrap Up, At the Gala, ect).  He is currently working on the BGM stuff now for the rest of the discs.  

And for you audio people, every track will have a secondary .flac version. You can find both links below!

MP3 Soundtrack

Flac Soundtrack

Side Song Examples

He is also looking for artists to help with album artwork! If you are interested, toss an email to: captaincomedy@gmail.com

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