Comic Archive

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, January 31, 2011

This is the Comic Archive.  I have no clue how I want to sort this, the comic tab is just getting too big.  For now I guess I will sort it by Artist, and Other, since there aren't a whole lot of people out there [...]
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Story: Pinkie's Party

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

[Normal] This one actually has a pretty crazy twist, definitely one to check out! And absolutely no shipping for once! Amazing.Description: Needed Pinkie's Pa [...]
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Story: The Liar

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[Normal] Hell yah Great and Powerful Trixie! I don't know how you stay so popular with only one episode under your belt but I wouldn't have it any other way!Summary: BEHOLD! The shocking truth about the Great and Powerful [...]
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Story: Cornsilk

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[Shipping] Poor Luna, so desperate..Description: need Cornsilk Chapter 1Cornsilk Chapter Link Chapter 1/2 [...]
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Story: For all the Horseflies in My Life

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[Shipping] Some Rainbow Dash / Applejack stuff in this one! Enjoy it. From Fon Shoalin on /co/Description: Needs Description Part 1: For all the Horseflies in My LifePart 2: Glider Jack [...]
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Story: Fluttershy's Despair

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[Grimdark][Sad] Moar pony stories, lots of Fluttershy today finally. Fluttershy's Desp [...]
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Story: One Problem Child

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[Shipping] Slywit brings another Dash shipping story!  I wonder what hasbro thinks of their first tomboy pony getting all the girls..Description: needed One Problem Ch [...]
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Story: Fluttershy's Courage

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[Normal] That's Fluttershy for you..Fluttershy's Cour [...]
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Story: Swayback Mountain

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[Shipping] More Lesbian pony shipping. You could probably figure that out from the title though!Description: Applejack/Rarity, Needs official DescriptionSwayback MountainEpub M [...]
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Story: Pinkies Letter to Rainbow Dash

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[Shipping] Pinkie and Dash shipping all over the.  Lesbian ponies sure are fun.Read more [...]
More aboutStory: Pinkies Letter to Rainbow Dash

Story: For Old Times Sake.

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[Normal] More Friendoff Stuff! By Anon this time.Read more [...]
More aboutStory: For Old Times Sake.

Comic: Stuck

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More Madmax Awesomeness. I always did wonder if stuff was all slobbery in ponyville.  Maybe that is just Derpy though [...]
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Story: Fly Me to the Moon

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[Normal] I think it was Bayonetta that really made me like this song.  That game was awesome.But so is this.Written by A.J. For the Friendoff thing.Read more [...]
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Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Look, I added a search box and made categories a dropdown menu.Also Episode Download Links.Also Streams I learn something new every day.Let me know if they are useful at all to you.  At least typing pony names gives [...]
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Story: Fluttershy Meets Creeper

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[Crossover] Hsssssssssssss.  My Little Pony meets minecraft.Read more [...]
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Story: Spike Dragon, Private Eye Detective

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[Normal] Actually detective stories for mlp would be kind of neat. I don't really like seeing twilight killing herself with that cigarette though, shes way too awesome for that.Summary: Spike Dragon, Private Detective: It's [...]
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Story: A Pony and Her Man

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[Normal] More Applejack stories are always welcome. Summary: A young filly needs the hired help of a notorious killer on her quest for revenge. A Pony and Her Man [...]
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Story: Angel Bunny, Superstar!

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Stupid rabbit.Summary: Angel Bunny, Superstar: Angel finds his own private IdahoAngel Bunny, Superstar! [...]
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Story: Rainbow Pie

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[Shipping] Do you guys always have to kill off Pinkie Pie? Shes immune to diabetes! Shes Pinkie Pie! Description: Dash reminisces on her long marriage to Pinkie. Shipping by request.Rainbow [...]
More aboutStory: Rainbow Pie

Story: Call of the Derpy

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 [Normal] More Derpy Hooves from PacceDescription: Needed Call of the De [...]
More aboutStory: Call of the Derpy

Story: Applejack/Big mac (Untitled)

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[Shipping] Written by A.J. Applejack and Big mac Stuff! Description: Need DescriptionRead more [...]
More aboutStory: Applejack/Big mac (Untitled)

Art: Drawfriend Friend Off #1

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

No but seriously, I didn't plan this.I will be collecting entries in this post throughout the day.  If it gets too big i'll make a second post for more.If you reallly want to make it easy to for me to find your stuff [...]
More aboutArt: Drawfriend Friend Off #1

Comic: Dash boobs (Madmax)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

At least I think that is the title.  Let me know if it's n [...]
More aboutComic: Dash boobs (Madmax)

Art: Drawfriend Stuff #10

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Slow night for news/fics/everything.I have enough Drawstuff to constitute number 10 at least.  A few old ones (I think) mixed in this time.   Read more [...]
More aboutArt: Drawfriend Stuff #10

1080p Friendship is Magic Part 2(episode 2)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nightmare Moon in glorious HD!  What more could you ask for.You Can download it HEREOr the Side bar as usual (i'm out of pointing ponies, dealwithit.jpg)  Stream is UP HEREThanks to Mentos again, all of his Downloads [...]
More about1080p Friendship is Magic Part 2(episode 2)

Art: Drawfriend Stuff #9

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

#9 compilation is go!Read more [...]
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Favorite Pony Poll Results

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I see Trixie has been forgotten again... Damn Fall Weather Friends! She lost to CHERILEE?And I honestly didn't think Twilight would win.  She is my favorite, but I figured I was in the minority.But seriouslyCHERIL [...]
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Writefriend/Drawfriend Post day Is TOMORROW!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Are you ready for the Magic of Friendship?!We are all friends right?Anyway, This Writefriend/Drawfriend Friend off Event triggers/ends tomorrow.  (January 31, 2011).  Those that have contributed are asked to post [...]
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Added Labels to Everything

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

I didn't even realize these existed.   Labels are done.  Try them out, tell me what you think.  Let me know if something is Mis-labeled in the comments section of whatever post it is, or Tell me [...]
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1080p Friendship is Magic Part 1(episode 1)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Still downloading it right now, but I'm throwing the link up again.  There are going to be so many new wallpapers from all these 1080p rips, I really wish blogger had more space to play with for image uploads, I'd upload [...]
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Story: Collaborative Pinkie/Dash/Twilight shipping

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

[Shipping] Only on /co/.(why the hell do I like this stuff when it involves ponies?  I can't make it through a chick flick to save my life!) Anyway, This was done by various bronies.  If you were one of them [...]
More aboutStory: Collaborative Pinkie/Dash/Twilight shipping

Pony Color Guide

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, January 29, 2011

Plaster is going to make you pro at coloring ponies.  Use it well!  There are many ponies just begging for it in the drawfriend posts here.And a quick explanation from Plaster himself- "Here's a rundown of this [...]
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Art: Drawfriend Stuff #8

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

If every new episode brings as much OC art stuff on /co/ as this one, I'm going to run out of space by the end of the month.Read more [...]
More aboutArt: Drawfriend Stuff #8

Video: Super Ponybeat: Winter Wrap Up.

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

My ears are in heav [...]
More aboutVideo: Super Ponybeat: Winter Wrap Up.

Comic: I Came Powers

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As if 1080p ponies wasn't enough to make this night awesome, Madmax trumps it with a Trixie comic!Because Trixie trumps everythi [...]
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1080p Fall Weather Friends Released

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

It's so...beautiful... Apparently someone on usenet (if I'm even using that correctly) Has been uploading all of the episodes in insane quality.  Thanks to Mintos for Modifying it for us non-/g/ people that are still [...]
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Story: Dress Up Dash

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

[Normal] I think the main reason so few people write about Rarity, is because you can't really portray her awesome voice over work through writing.At least I hope that's the case, cause I love her OCD.  The possibilities [...]
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Story: Twilight's Excitement

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[Normal] From "The Man Who Keeps His Promises" over on /co/.  I had a huge thing written up here but jump breaks wouldn't work with it so I'm just going to ragequit and say here you go!Description: need Read more [...]
More aboutStory: Twilight's Excitement

Pony by Pony Per Day

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Someone on /co/ dug through the archive and made this graph showing how often each character is discussed.  I guess you guys really like rainbow dash don't you?  But how did RARITY come second to last? Seriously? [...]
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Art: Drawfriend Stuff #7

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Why do I have to go to work in the middle of this thread?! Why!? This post will be continued when I get home since I think the entire cast is being downsized to fillydom.Read more [...]
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Story: Spike and Apple Bloom's Date

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

[Shipping] Reptiles and mammals togeather? You guys will ship anything!Spike and Apple Bloom's D [...]
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Story: Pinkie Pie and Applejack's Cooking Hour!

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[Normal] Applejack teaching Pinkie Pie to cook something other than sweets? Maybe this will save her from the inevitable diabetes.Another one by Jimbo, enjoy!Pinkie Pie and Applejack's Cooking Ho [...]
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Art: Drawfriend Stuff #6

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Because the next Luna episode is way too far away for my liking!Read more [...]
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Comic: Vikings

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Another one by Madmax, complete with windwaker boats and things I would totally do if I was Spi [...]
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Story: Batpink: I AM THE NIGHT

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[Crossover] I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Pinkie Pie is a bad ass no matter what she is currently involved in.Last one by Jimbo for the night, more tomorrow. Batpink: I AM THE NI [...]
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Story: The Make me Better Boutique

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[Shipping] Yaaah... I think pinkie/dash is always a welcome combo. Another one by Jimbo.Description: Pinkie Pie invites her friend to a new shop called the Make Me Better Boutique after a long, tiring day of cloud-busting. [...]
More aboutStory: The Make me Better Boutique

Story: A Friend for Derpy Hooves

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[Normal] Derpy Hoove fics are always amazing.  Here is one by Jimbo, linked to his(her?) account.Description: Need Description A Friend for Derpy Hoo [...]
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Story: Friendship is Magic; Alchemy is Damnation

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

The Great and Powerful Trixie SCOFFS at this despicable "alchemy" and it's inconvenient symbols!  Magic is the only true path to greatness! But seriously, ponys+full metal alchemist is actually a pretty interesting [...]
More aboutStory: Friendship is Magic; Alchemy is Damnation