Shoe Brony and his Custom Pony Shoes

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Friday, January 21, 2011

Shoe Brony, who some of you may or may not have heard of, is uploading a few new shoes to his Zazzle account; the first time in a while due to some asshole reporting it and getting it locked. If you head on over there, you will find Spike, Dr. Whoof, and Gilda all ready to be ordered and shown off hipster style.

Expect some background ponies next (Lyra, Bon Bon, and Carrot top) and Wonderbolts/Cheerilee in the near future.

Here is a link to the entire Zazzle Pony Shoes Catelogue

Each pair of shoes costs 65 bucks, plus shipping, but you can't really find custom pony shoes anywhere else so... hope you have money to burn on shoes!

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