Pinkazoid Comic Made Video!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, April 30, 2011

This had to happen, that comic was too good for it not [...]
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P For Pinketta // Brony College Presentation #3

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P For Pinketta Above, Another Brony Presentation below! I'm not sure if you guys are sick of those yet! (the former or the latter) Read more [...]
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Bonus Portugese Ticket Master CD

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Someone sent me this Megaupload of the Portuguese Ticket Master episode found on the bonus CD they were giving out a few months ago.  It's actually pretty well voiced! I was surprised! Though I admit, I'm not sure what [...]
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Story: Moonbeam (Complete!)

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[Normal] More Luna!Author: Laurence BrownDescription: Having trouble making friends, Princess Luna decides that using some magic might be just the thing to help her out. Things don't go as planned, however, when the spell [...]
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Music: Pinkie's Singing Telegram BGM Free+Instrumental

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For those of you who collect these, both in one post this time! Now go remix a million different versions of them! Read more [...]
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Music: Hydra Pulse

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From the same person who made "For the Lunar Republic", comes another really well done song. I think I've played For the Lunar Republic around 50 times no [...]
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Alabama Tornado Donations

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Are you ready to once again take on the reigns of FRIENDSHIP?  I've received a few emails from people over in Alabama, and it sounds like a warzone down there.   Me, being completely oblivious to the world thanks [...]
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MLP Chess

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Chess brony has created this massive reworking of classic chess, for Ponies.  He has described it below, in detail (In fact the entire thing was submitted as a story post, which was surprisingly helpful, if a little [...]
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PMV: Oh Neigh You Didn't // Giant Rock

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Good news! I finally found a good width/height for youtube videos, so no more random sized embeds all over the place! Anyway, On Neigh You Didn't above, and a Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Pony Parody of Giant Rock below!Read more [...]
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Persian Pony Competition

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Aspāvar over on ponychan is hosting a competition to drum some interest up for a Persian indie game.  The rules are copy-pasted below! Make MLP fanart involving Persian themes. I don't care if it's a Prince of [...]
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10% Off at

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Looks like the Hasbro Toy Shop has another one of those 10% Coupon events going on, this time with MLP Toys Specifically.Apparently typing "MLPTEN" in the code box at checkout activates it!Sadly they don't have any of the [...]
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Comic: Cuteness 9000

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I still say Twilight is cuter than Fluttershy, but what can you do?And the source! (thanks to those that emailed i [...]
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Spike Pilgrim Vs. The World Pops Up On the Facebook Page!

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The Spike Pilgrim video from yesterday has appeared on the official Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Facebook page.  It's a shame the movie is a bit old now, hopefully some people will see it posted [...]
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Weird Al Tweets Ponies Again!

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Weird Al has responded once again, this time to Pony Polka 2! I really hope the guest appearance thing happens for season 2.  I can only imagine how ridiculous that episode will be, especially if they really are planning [...]
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DA Pony Fanfiction Community

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Deviant art now has a budding pony fanfiction community.  If you are already set up over there, you might as well check it out!  If anything I'm sure some people would be willing to proofread your stuff! You can [...]
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Wallpaper Compilation #7

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Another wallpaper pack for you guys, this time from MilesPrower024 over at DeviantArt.Have a gander!Read more [...]
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Comic: Pony Invasion

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I'm pretty sure everything would be made better with ponies.  As I play Assassins Creed Brotherhood, that image of the Rainbow Dash assassin keep popping up in my head.  It would be so..glorious.  Also another [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #72

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 Yep, everything is totally better with Ponies edition.Lots of stuff emailed to me this time, without sources. Email me if you know who did them! 1 Source-NeedRead more [...]
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Story: Family

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[Sad] Rarity time! She doesn't get nearly enough fanfiction.Author: Larathin BradleyDescription: When a unwelcome guest shows up at Sweetie Bell's birthday party, Rarity realizes the past has one heck of a long reach. Will [...]
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Rainbow Dashie Paper Craft

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I used to save these back in the day, but never got around to trying to make one.  I'm pretty sure this will be the first.  Below, you can find the template and instructions on how to make a paper dash of your [...]
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Story: Dr. Whooves and the Schoolhouse of Fear

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[Crossover] More Dr. Whooves time!  They better do something with this guy in season 2! Author: BlueshiftDescription: A Description of the Story On one of the darkest days of her life, Derpy needs a hero. Unfortunately [...]
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Story: Indoctrination (Updated Complete!)

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[Normal] We don't get many stories in the second person (outside of that ponychan shipping compilation)!  Also /r/ing more everypony images.Author:  FickleDescription: You find yourself acting as an audience through [...]
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Rainbow Dash Roleplay Network

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Friday, April 29, 2011

The RP site has officially launched!  All Roleplayer's on the normal network are asked to migrate over to the new one.  Hopefully this clears up the spam for those that go there to discuss things!You [...]
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Comic: Mario Party

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Yup. It's official. Madmax is aweso [...]
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PMV: Spike Pilgrim Vs. The World

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More proof that ponies make everything better. This movie was already awesome, but Rarity as Ramona? Yes plea [...]
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PMVs: Why Don't You Get a Job // Reel Big Fish // If You Can Dream

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I still haven't thought of a good title format for these posts. Anyway have some PMV's. Offspring's Why Don't You Get a Job up above (Poor Twilight =[) and Reel Big Fish below/If you can dream below!Read more [...]
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Filly's Sychtube- Pinkiethon Tonight!

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The Filly synctube is doing a Pinkiethon tonight in honor of the best episode ever. Join in on the fun! Until the room fills up, I guess.Here's the room!And if that room is full, Filly says go here inste [...]
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Pinkie Pie Flying Machine 3D Model

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Zurkoslat on Youtube has created this Pinkie Pie flying machine, 3D model style. You guys never cease to amaze [...]
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Scribus has put together a My Little Pony MUSH. For those unaware, a MUSH is basically a MUD, which is a text-based adventure game!He says that the project is in open beta, and he's looking for ponies to test it out, and [...]
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Another 2D Pony Game Engine Demonstration

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Yes, it looks ridiculous I know.  The actual demonstration is after the intro! This is another demonstration video for the my little pony flash game that popped up a while back. This video goes more into the technical specifics than the last one. [...]
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Story: Friendship is Epic (Updated Part 2!)

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[Normal] Some more Twilight and Dr. Whoof time traveling shenanigans.  Author: Noir deSilhouetteDescription: Compiled from the chat logs of a brainstorm in a google-docs chatroom.  Twilight's life is interrupted [...]
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Combat Demo #3 for the 2D Pony MMO

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Another example of the combat demo is up for the 2D Pony mmo over at Urimas's DA Page.  This game evolves so quickly! This time, the Parasprite actually does something!  You can test it out below.  2D [...]
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A.V Club Friendship is Magic Article

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Another news source covering ponies! This time over at, one of the larger entertainment websites out there.He makes some interesting points in his analysis on why this show is so amazing.  You can find the [...]
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Music: Orchestral FiM Opening // Pressing Ponies

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Orchestral Opening above... and another Pinkie Trigger style song below, Though it might be a good idea not to actually "Watch" it, especially if you suffer from epilepsy! Read more [...]
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Two Acoustic Bronies on Youtube

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Someone going by the name of Acoustic Brony over on Youtube is redoing all of the music in the show in hard-rock form.  You can tell he put a ton of effort into it, especially considering how much he extends some of [...]
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Art of the Dress Piano Cover (Now with a Vocal Version!)

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Another Piano Cover from NRGFORCE on youtube! This time for art of the dress! Enjoy!Also vocals below!Read more [...]
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Masterlinkx Pony Channel Shut Down...Again

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It's most likely the work of trolls, but once again, Masterlinkx's Youtube channel has been terminated for copyright infringement. You all may remember when it was shut down before, but eventually reinstated.  [...]
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It's So pink!

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ITS BLINDINGPinkie Pie time!  She was awesome today so I had to do [...]
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Comic: Pinkazoid

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In honor of creepy Pinkie Pie day, Have an amazing Pinkie Pie comic! Unfortunately it's huge! So the link is below.Also we need an artist, so whoever it is, send me an email!Pinkazoid [...]
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Comic: No.25 (Updated Part 3!)

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BEARDS!Part 2Part 3! (New!)All drawn by The Stoic Machine on Deviant [...]
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Party of One: Discussion/Stream

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Since Seth appears to be asleep and never made one!Pfft I just lost track of time is all! Download Link1080pYoutube Links1080p(Lots of spoilers in comments! As always!) [...]
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Flashinthepan On /co/! Massive Interview Thing! (Updated Question Set 15!)

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Good news! Flash popped up and answered a bunch of questions again, so I finally get to play ghetto journalist like I originally wanted to with this blog!  Incoming lots of copy pasting.For those asking who Flashinthepan [...]
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All Pony Sketch Auctions Over!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who's the best pony? That's Right! Twilight Sparkle is!And the final numbers!Twilight Sparkle: $6,200Pinkie Pie: $4,050Applejack: $3,050Derpy Hooves: $2,151Total:  $15,451Absolutely crazy.  Grats to all the winners!But [...]
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Lots of New 1080p Downloads (Now with Winter Wrap Up!)

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For those of you who collect the HD 1080p episodes, Mentos has finished encoding a new batch of the older ones.Included in this update are...Griffon the BrushoffSwarm of the CenturyCall of the CutieOwls Well that Ends WellWinter [...]
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Flutterguy Jazz Remix // FiM Benny Hill Theme Remix

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Two Simple Remixes from SandJosieph on Youtube. Read more [...]
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Story: Fastest Thing Alive

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[Crossover] Woah, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in a story together WITHOUT shipping? That's almost unheard of. (Sonic crossover, with no sonic characters.  I'm ok with this)Author: Prince ShadariDescription: Pinkie Pie [...]
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Giant Wall Ponies

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A website called has giant wall ponies up for sale.  These things are pretty pricy, at 100 bucks for the entire collection, but I think I might crack... giant ponies on my wall is difficult to resist.  [...]
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CMC Sing Along

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The Winter Wrap-Up Sing Along is still going on, but here's another one from Ponychan for you guys to sink your proverbial teeth into. This time it's the Cutie Mark Crusader theme song.Add your voice to the mix!The thread [...]
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Spike Nukem Forever

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How long until it ends up on Kotaku I wond [...]
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Tenga Toppa Pony Lagann

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I guess that's what happens when no one stops Twilight when she loses it? I don't watch much anime, but when I do, I prefer ponies in it. This is completely ridiculous b [...]
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The Physics Behind the Sonic Rainboom

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Some crazy math brony did a bunch of extremely intimidating looking calculations to find out just how amazing Rainbow Dash is.  I'm pretty sure we can safely assume that Dashie will be the next princess of Equestria, [...]
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Comic: Lovers Spat

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Considering it's Twilight day, I think more Twilight love is required, and this definitely takes Twilight love to a whole new level doesn't it?The  high resolution version can be found below at SmittyG's Deviant art!Lovers [...]
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Twilight Sparkle Auction Ending Soon!

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It really is Twilight Sparkle Day! Twilight Sparkle: Ended at $6,200Where do you guys get this kind of money?! And the Final Numbers for Derpy/Pinkie Pie/Applejack.Applejack: $3,050.00Winged Pinkie Pie: $4,075Derpy [...]
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Comic: Zecora's Gift

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Oh Zecora, your so silly.Artist is Elosa [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #71

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Lunaclouds Edition! Check the source for super resolution!These drawfriend posts are becoming a daily occurrence! You guys are crazy! 1 SourceRead more [...]
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Story: Equestria Couture (Update Part 2!)

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[Normal] More Fluttershy and Rarity fashion stuff?  Why is this interesting? These ponies have ruined me...Author: T-Brony StackzDescription: Equestria's premier fashion competition, Equestria Couture, is being hosted [...]
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Champions Online Adds Rainbow Powers

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Apparently the MMORPG Champions Online has added rainbow powers, and this has, of course, spawned a whole armada of Rainbow Dash/Celestia knockoffs.  I never did get into this game myself, but maybe some of you have?  [...]
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College Pony Presentation

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Another crazy brony has done a presentation in front of his class. This one is actually really good too! Apparently it all started over on ponychan. You can find the post below. College Pony Presentat [...]
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Events On The Horizon

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Here are the plans for the 2 next months or so (assuming I don't die from some pony induced coma).April Friend OffThe April Friend off will be officially posted on May 2nd.  Currently my "event" folder has 20 entries [...]
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Element5 on D!splay

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Pony music videos! This one's got a catchy so [...]
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Simple Image Search Database (SISD)

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A pony going simply by the name of 'E' has made quite an informative post in Ponychan's Projects section about an image database he's working on.If you're into coding and programming, this may be interesting to you! Quite [...]
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The ULTIMATE Ponychan Collaboration #3!

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Now with 90% Less browser crashing.This is similiar to the last one found here.  But for those of you who have read that one, you know what to expect. I think they tried to keep a consistent plot this time!Of course [...]
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"Brave the Night" Ponyventure

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This one is very similar to the old quest threads in the traditional games section of 4chan.  For those of you who have never participated in something like that, a drawfriend essentially starts a story off, and the [...]
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