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DemoLanding on Thursday, June 30, 2011

I don't think this is physically possible edition.It is a really neat image though.On to the drawfriend!This one is actually relatively short, but daily is a bit easier if I find the time to do it.Source 1Read more [...]
More about → Drawfriend Stuff #117
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Music time! Two Orchestrals, and an electronic style cupcakes remix. (The song, not the terrible fanfic) 1.) We Are: a CMC Orchestral Remix2.) Cupcakes! (Pinkie Pie Vocal daks Remix) 3.) Sweet Apple Acres - Orchestral [...]
More about → We Are: a CMC Orchestral Remix / Sweet Apple Acres - Orchestral / Cupcakes Daks Remix
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[Random][Comedy] This story is absolutely ridiculous. Preposterous. Outrageous. Nonsensical. And I loved every minute of it.- Pre-Reader #21Author: Colt ADescription: Not even the most suave and stylish pony in Ponyville [...]
More about → Story: Taxes
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Random PMV time! This set is pretty freakin strange!1.) WHEN YOU'VE GOT A PONY CARD2.) Today is Gonna be a Great Day - Cutie Mark Crusaders 3.) A Clockwork Brony Read more [...]
More about → Pony Card / Today's Gonna Be A Great Day / A Clockwork Brony
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[Normal] Post gala episodic stuff! Author: HeatWave Description:In the wake of the Grand Galloping Gala, two particular ponies are faced with the notion that everything they were familiar with has been turned upside down. [...]
More about → Story: Treasure Trove (Update Part 5!)
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I want this Pinkie Pie. I also want that Trixie. Why can't these be mass produced!? Some day, everyone will have fully functioning "Choose Your Material" 3D printers bought at best buy on sale for 60 bucks. [...]
More about → Pinkie Pie and The Great and Powerful Plushie, bonus: Applejack!
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That's it! Colgate is now the best pony. I love that song. Number two confuses the hell out of me, but I know some of you are into that stuff, so enjoy I guess! 1.) DH: Fluoride Soundscapes - Brushie Brushie mix [Colgate's [...]
More about → Music: Colgate's Theme / Pink Savage / Death Metal Cupcakes
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Looks like the creator of the 3D Pony models, KP-Shadowsquirrel, has released a full download pack for them! Everypony except for Twilight is currently available. They are static models, but you guys should totally [...]
More about → 3D Spinny Pony Models Available For Download
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[Normal][Sad] One of the pre-readers really liked this one, but failed to give me a cool quote. What a slacker! I need to dock their pay!Author: Twilight SnarkleDescription: Smudge loved well, and loved deeply. Too deeply, [...]
More about → Story: Two Ponies
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[Normal] IT UPDATED HOLY CRAPAuthor: WTFHIW Description: Celestia sends Luna to ponyville to get in touch with the common folk after her exile, and to establish a rapport with Twilight Sparkle as her second tutor. Weirdness, [...]
More about → Story: Luna's Goodwill Tour (Update Part 2!)
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Time for trollan!/b/ is usually awful, but I admit, Troll science has always been entertaining. Mixermike622 / No sou [...]
More about → Comic: Trollestia / Troll Science Luna!
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[Normal]Author: Kazberry Description: Pinkie Pie never thought getting rid of ghosts could be fun, until the day her grandma surprised her. The Sun Was Going DownAdditional Tags: Pinkie Pie, granny, filly, ghosts, bedt [...]
More about → Story: The Sun Was Going Down
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Natureshy is awesome!Anyway, I have a bunch of custom ponies in my mailbox, so It's time for a compilation! Source 1Read more [...]
More about → Custom Pony Compilation!
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Interesting.Speculation, ponies? What might this [...]
More about → My Little Pony Facebook Page Hints At 'Something Special'
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[Normal] This is a continuation of the fanon set forth by Out in the Cold and Shades of Midnight.Author: EsperDerekDescription: Set after Shades of Midnight, Midnight is finishing her first year at the University of Canterlot [...]
More about → Story: Moonlight Over Midnight
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I made that title up, but that's exactly what this joke has done.Click the preview and be prepared to laugh your flank o [...]
More about → Comic: Full Circle
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Cheerilee is awesome. I am sorry I ever doubted her way back during her first appearance as a toy. And it totally isn't because of that comic about her Mcdonalds debut...Anyway, CometTail over on ponychan [...]
More about → Cheerilee Released
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Great and Powerful Edition #2! I'll spare you the RP though. Have some news! It's a bit short today, so hopefully the epic level Trixie makes up for it. Read more [...]
More about → Nightly Roundup #22
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[Normal] Hey! New image!Author: RedSquirrel456Description: In a distant future, ponies teeter on the brink of extinction, and an evil force holds sway over a dangerous earth. Six new heroes must brave the new, dark world [...]
More about → Story: A Far Gone Sun
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DemoLanding on Wednesday, June 29, 2011

[Sad] "One of the best stories about an OC pony I've ever read".-Pre Reader #6"It's technically not an OC pony, dude"-Seth Author: ItsTheWhinyGuysDescription: It’s Fizzypop’s birthday! She’s worked so hard on her party, [...]
More about → Story: Happy Birthday, Fizzypop!
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[Shipping] Pinklestia? Celepie? Yah, this is new. Author: Evil WeevilDescription: When Princess Celestia has the chance to visit Ponyville, she finds out that being lonely for thousands of years has had a strange and saddening [...]
More about → Story: Partyin' with the Sun
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PURE POWER! That's what this 7 inches of PRISTINE leather channels DIRECTLY INTO YOUR VEINS. When one wears the Great and Powerful arm band, one does not simply control the very fabric of time and space, no, it goes [...]
More about → The GREAT and POWERFUL Brony Band
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I...actually think this would work out pretty well surprisingly.I expected a "Wtf", and I got...Derpy Hooves!You can find the embed after the break!Read more [...]
More about → Derpy Hooves Fan Voice
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She spins!And spins!It just doesn't stopClick the image for the actual fla [...]
More about → 3D Spinny Rarity
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A couple of Lets Play videos have popped up for Super Fluttershy Land 2 already! That was quick. If I ever get a break, I am definitely picking this one up.You can find both embeds after the break!This game also has [...]
More about → Lets Play: Super Fluttershy Land 2
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The best pony on Wednesdays, Tuesdays, and Sundays editon.Twixie takes up the rest in case you were wondering. ON TO THE ART!Source 1Read more [...]
More about → Drawfriend Stuff #116
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William Kevin Anderson composes the entire underscore for Friendship is Magic. Basically, if Daniel Ingram didn't compose it for any of the vocalists to sing, then Will Anderson composed it to play alongside the action. [...]
More about → Interview: Will Anderson (Friendship is Magic score composer)
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This guy has dug out a bunch of animation errors from various Friendship is Magic episodes. It's pretty entertaining. A lot of this stuff was discussed on /co/ back in the day. 1.) Episode 12.) Episode 23.) Episode 34.) [...]
More about → My Little Bloopers: Mistakes are FOREVER
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A pony dropped this off in the ol' inbox yesterday evening, requesting that I pass it along to you guys in case you were interested in practicing pony magic. I'm sure that the vast majority of you are not all that familiar [...]
More about → Elements of Harmony Tarot Spread (Update: Values Deck!)
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[Normal]Author: SomberDescription: Rainbow Dash faces the preliminary try outs for the Wonderbolts.Piece of cake, right? But when she has several unexpected visitors itdraws questions about her past and her future.Thicker [...]
More about → Story: Thicker Than Water
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The Official My Little Pony facebook page has posted up a coloring page for Spike. Not really huge news, but hey its something right?! You can find the PDF download he [...]
More about → Official MLP Facebook Spike Coloring Page
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Heeey, I heard you guys liked animation, and Luna, so have both! You can find it after the break!Read more [...]
More about → Luna's Lonely Planet
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Here, have a Rarity archer.Last night I posted in the nightly news update about Urban Dictionary's current word of the day. I keep getting emails about it, so I guess it's time to split it off!If you head on over to [...]
More about → Urban Dictionary Word of the Day is Bronies
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Initial reaction: Did he just NUKE MY PONIES? WTF?Final Reaction: This is the greatest pony fan made video I have ever seen. From 2ch.soYou can find it after the break! Read more [...]
More about → Amazing Pony Animation
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[Shipping] I don't think an image exists with all the characters in this story! So have one with most of them!Author: KatalusTalriusDescription: Ponyville would be so boring without your favorite six ponies (and Spike) there [...]
More about → Story: The Melting Pot (Update Complete!)
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If I can be honest with you guys for a second, I'm really not all that into Luna. Blasphemy, I know. She's certainly very cute and I wish her all the best returning to her life in Canterlot. I hope she brings the house down [...]
More about → Luna plushie Scientifically Determined To Be the Cutest Thing Ever
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[Crossover][Comedy] I couldn't find an appropriate picture for this story if I tried. It's a Bible Black parody, so take the slightly racy bits with a grain of salt."I lol'd"-SethAuthor: NugarDescription: When Twilight [...]
More about → Story: Bridle Black
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Random PMV time! Have some maids! 1.) It's Pinkie's party2.) Don't Stop Believin3.) The Cutie Mark Psycle Read more [...]
More about → PMV: It's Pinkie's party / Don't Stop Believin / The Cutie Mark Psycle
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Shouldn't Luna be the theme pony for these? Why didn't I think of that before?Anyway off to the news!Read more [...]
More about → Nightly Round Up #21
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Over at Television Without Pity, Friendship is Magic is currently nominated for both best new show, and best musical score. There are 25 polls going on simultaneously, so here is an easy location guide to find them [...]
More about → Friendship is Magic Up Various Tubey Awards
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DemoLanding on Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Looks like some more custom merch has popped up! This time it's pony themed pillows. We sure do think of everything don't we!Sadly, they aren't pony shaped, so cuddling Twilight Sparkle is still out of the question.You [...]
More about → FiM Pillows
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[Sad] Luna and Celestia time! Author: FickleDescription: Where did the two Princess sisters come from? What contributed to their existence or creation? The origin of the two sister rulers and the world of Equestria are revealed.All [...]
More about → Story: The Rage of Two Sisters (Update Story 2 Part 4, 5, 6, 7!)
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[Normal]Author: BrianBlessedPonyDescription: Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy are summoned to the Captain of the Palace's Guard at short notice. What he wants, neither really know, but Twilight has met him before...Captain [...]
More about → Story: Captain of the Guard
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A Few days ago I posted about a 3D Pinkie pie in minecraft, and chllenged pixel artists everywhere to move on from their 2D roots, and break into full 3d pony models! Apparently the bronies at ponycraft.net have already [...]
More about → Minecraft Stuff All Over the Place!
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A bit of a mix this time. This first one is actually a demo, he wants feedback before continuing it! So if you like it, hit up the youtube page! Number 3 has some awesome lip synch, and two is another movie trailer! 1.) [...]
More about → PMV: Baby Got Flank/ The Room / A Day at the Pony Races
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Seriously.I feel kind of bad now for all of my Flutterlove lately.Poor girl was just left to rot. Alright that's my Trixie post for the day. Source [...]
More about → Comic: It should be me!
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Super Fluttershy Land 2 has finally been released! It's a rom hack for the Gameboy, so you will need an emulator to run it.You can find the video below, along with the download link in the description on the actual [...]
More about → Super Fluttershyland Two