Introducing the Speedfic Challenge

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, June 20, 2011

(NOTE: Event start changed to Saturday due to popular demand.)

What the hell does that mean, Cereal?! Keep reading! Sheesh.

Among artists there is a concept called a speedpaint, wherein said artist will attempt to paint something in the shortest amount of time possible. This concept doesn't really exist for writing fiction, but quite frankly I'm confident enough in our writers to try out this challenge on you all. Think of this as a test run.

Here's the gist of it: on Saturday, June 25th, at a specific time, I will post a short, one-line story summary, determined by the poll on the side. For two hours, and for only two hours, I'll be accepting your best attempt to tell that story in whatever way you wish. This will not only test your ability to write on your feet, but to actually get an idea out onto paper quickly.

There is no word limit to these. If you think the story can be best told with five hundred words, then by all means, submit that- though, fair warning, I've tried to pick prompts that require a little more prose than that.

Click past the page break for the concrete details.

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