Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 13

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, June 8, 2011

See, ponies and swords can be cute! Just look at her up there, all bein' on a sword and stuff. Hi pony! Hello! Whatcha doin' up there? You're so silly, pony. Tee hee... ahem. I'll stop now, I promise. Lookit her! Ack! Ok, ok, focus. This is supposed to be the badass pony edition. And we really do have quite a number of super cool hip and groovy swordsmares bandying about. How many, I hear you asking? Why, 207! Fight on, ponies! For everlasting justice, let your souls of fire burn brightly for... eeeeeheehee, she's so cute!

Here's your boring old submission guidelines, and daily reminder to send questions and "darn it the submitter won't work I don't want to miss tonight" entries to I know this probably gets really super duper boring hearing the same thing every day, but you know that the second I stop it there's going to be 300 people e-mailing Sethisto in a mad panic because they saw this event and wanted to start a bit late but they don't know how and is this ok? So just grin and bear it, and then on the last day we'll all celebrate with triple sec and cranberry juice. Unless you're underage. Then you'll have to settle for just the juice.

The Theme of the Day

Draw a pony playing a board game.
Card games are also acceptable, as are tabletop RPGs. And of course, if you feel like getting a pony involved on the ground floor of a game and, say, draw some ponies on a giant chess board, then that'd be pretty darned awesome, don't you think? Your own imagination is the limit, so let loose and play!

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