Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 28

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, June 23, 2011

See, it's not so bad! Helllloooooo again, everypony! So glad to see you all again. So sorry to have missed you all last night; after my eyes went crossed it seemed like it would be a good idea if I tried to get some extra sleep. You may have noticed that didn't wind up working out (although writing the news for a day was fun!), but in any event I am back with you all where I shall remain for the remainder of our time here in this event. We'll talk about the future a little more in a bit, ok? For right now, let's focus on the present. And the present is a dungeon master's dream come true, featuring a full 130 ponies locked up and chained to walls. There's so many bondage jokes I could make, but I'll restrain myself. I see Seth managed to forget to include our running total last night, but tonight we're back up and running with a stupendously amazing 5139 images. Talk about productivity!

Of course, we can't forget the usual link to the submission guidelines now can we? As always, don't hesitate to contact me at if you need something from me. I'll always do my best to respond to a question. There's a firefly crawling on my curtain right now. How did it get in here? I'm sure glad we're back to stream of consciousness posting instead of last night's link dump aren't you?

The Theme of the Day

Draw a pony cooking. Just like every other time I start to feel like I'm starting to make my themes overly specific and weird, I'm pulling us back to the simple happy times of a wide open theme rife with opportunities for puns. All forms of cooking are acceptable, including frying, grilling, steaming, smoking, and baking. As always, creative interpretations of any of these ideas are welcome alongside their straight mare cousins. Make me proud, my faithful students!

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