Story: Elements of Discord (Updated Chapter 10!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[Normal] This idea has been floating around for a while now.  It was inevitable that we would get a story about it.  

Author: Midnight Shadow
Description:  A strange storm leaves destruction in it's wake, stirring up an ancient evil best left in the dark. The six ponies bearing the elements of harmony may just have met their match as evil, twisted versions of them appear in town causing havoc and mischief. There are rumours of Nightmare Moon's return, but Luna is still Luna - what can it mean? Who is behind this? Is this the end of Equestria? Who is the empress who rules these new nega-ponies with an iron hoof? Stay tuned and find out.
Elements Of Discord Chapter 1 
Elements Of Discord Chapter 2
Elements Of Discord Chapter 3
Elements Of Discord Chapter 4
Elements Of Discord Chapter 5
Elements Of Discord Chapter 6
Elements Of Discord Chapter 7
Elements Of Discord Chapter 8
Elements Of Discord Chapter 9

Elements of Discord Chapter 10 (New!)

Additional Tags: Midnight thinks hes too cool to send them, slacker.

All side stories after the break!
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