Bronies meetup groups -- now opening NEAR YOU!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A new website focused on bronies meeting up around the USA has popped up!  Purple Tinker was kind enough to send me a good old copypaste information writeup, which you can find below!  If anything, check out the map.  It's amazing...
In case you weren't aware, the bronies meetup group network just keeps growing and growing. Starting with three groups (NYC, Portland and Seattle/Tacoma) several months ago, we have now grown to EIGHT groups all across the United States!

And now there is a site that will show you exactly where the nearest brony group to YOU is. Now you have no excuse to not socialize with your fellow bronies! Don't worry-- they don't bite. :)

Just go to and click on the handy-dandy "group map" link, then select the area nearest you. It's that simple!

And if there ISN'T a meetup group in your area (Chicago and LA, I'm looking at YOU!) and you'd like to start one... well, step up to the plate and shoot Purple Tinker an email at She'll help you get started. We're always looking for new chapters!

Some reminders: The two big brony conventions, Northwest Bronyfest in Portland  and BroNYCon in New York City, both have events coming up! Northwest Bronyfest is going to be held next on August 6-7, 2011, and BroNYCon on September 24, 2011. Start making your travel plans-- these are worth traveling for!

In the spirit of friendship,

Purple Tinker

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