Clay Ponies and a Raffle Site For Them!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Eneha over on Deviant Art has been busting out tons of clay ponies all over the place for a few months now.  I have featured a few of them on EQD before, but she sent me a pile of new ones to show off!

Aside from these four new clay pony figures though, she is working on getting a raffle/giveaway/request site up externally from her Deviant Art page.  Luckily, I have been gifted with a copy pastable version. After the break, you can find all information about how the system will work, as well as a brony meetup she is planning for July 29 at Anime Iowa. 

You can find all of the information after the break!
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