The First Ever Bronycon

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, July 3, 2011

For those of you wondering how an actual "made for bronies" convention would go,  you can't really beat the first ever Bronycon!  Back on June 25, an army of bronies (Over 90 in all!) met up and celebrated all things pony.  It was a huge success, to say the least. 

Aside from the insane amount of pizza, festivities included everything from Rock Band competitions to custom pony creation. 

It's a shame that ponies are so difficult to cosplay as, but this badass right her pulled off Hoity Toity perfectly.  Aside from that Goddess Level Celestia from a while back, I'm pretty sure this is up there in the top five for all time best pony costumes.  

They will be holding another event in September, and again in December.  That's 20% more often than most other conventions.  You bronies are crazy!

Check out the gallery here!
Or another set here

And Kelly/Purple Tinker have collaborated on a full writeup, which you can find here! It's definitely worth gazing at, especially for all of you people planning meetups of your own.

Also some videos!

Cabal's Presentation

Everyone Plays Rockband

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