The Movie Brony's 'Monthly Top Ten Pony Videos' Project

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, July 2, 2011

Apparently some of our readers are getting annoyed that I talk about Rarity too much. So instead of Rarity, have some Fluttershy.

Wait, that's not Fluttershy. Oh well. No time to fix it. Things to post, y'know.

The Movie Brony has emailed us to let us know about his planned monthly Youtube compilation of the best fan-made pony videos, whether they were posted on the blog or otherwise. He currently has the compilation for June 2011 up and running, so you can see what kind of format the videos will be in. You can find that here. In the description you can find links to all the videos. Obviously, this is just one pony's opinion we're talking about, so take the list with a grain of salt!

Of course, if you disagree with the list, you can always take it up with him. His Youtube channel is here.

After the break you can find an embed for the video, if you prefer!

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