Papercraft Trixie

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Now, I know what you're thinking: Seth, for pete's sake, stop posting Trixie! We're all sick of Trixie! Well, guess what? It isn't Seth this time, so you can all yell at me. I can take it. I like Trixie, too. Just not as much as Seth. Though, this fact might be debatable considering I do have a three-part story starring her on the blog. It's all irrelevant- look at that craftsmanship!

This comes to us today courtesy of KNA, who did the other papercraft ponies. You can find the two separate parts of Trixie's design (her body and her outfit) in these links:

Body Design
Cloak and Hat

And, of course, you can find the instructions here.

Be sure to thank KNA for all his/her hard work! Stuff like this isn't easy to make.

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