Ponies Around the World Round 4!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, July 16, 2011

Elvis is a brony.  Who would have though?

62 images this time around!  I am honestly going to miss this event when it's over.  Sure digging through this tidal wave of emails is pretty time consuming, but It's actually really neat seeing all of these amazing locations.  I'm pretty sure I have talked about that enough though across the last three posts.  I really need to get out there!

A few maps of all the locations listed so far have popped up.  This one is a bit basic, but much more caught up, you can find it here!

The second one looks to be much more complex, but is still very much a work in progress on updates.  You can find it here!

I'm going to remind everyone one more time, If you haven't seen your image posted yet, please go and label it with the location/ a name (though name isn't required).  I'm filing all of the unlabeled ones into a folder for the last day of the event, and I'm not looking forward to labeling them all manually :p

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