Story: A Future Worth Saving (Update Part 7!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, July 7, 2011

[Grimdark] [Normal]

Author: Flashgen
Description: When Twilight Sparkle and her friends awaken in the Everfree Forest following a spell cast by Twilight, they attempt to find their way home. However, what they stumble on to is more than they could have expected, or imagined, in their wildest Nightmares.
A Future Worth Saving Part 1
A Future Worth Saving Part 2
A Future Worth Saving Part 3
A Future Worth Saving Part 4
A Future Worth Saving Part 5
A Future Worth Saving Part 6 
A Future Worth Saving Part 7 (New!)

Additional Tags: Long, Epic, Rebellion, Confusion, Eclipse

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