Story: Half the Day is Night (Updated Complete!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, July 5, 2011

[Normal] The Author is promising an epic 15 chapter tale! Will he hold true to his word?  Also I found more un-used Luna! yay~

Author: Augiedog
Description: Romance, palace intrigue, and swashbuckling adventure await our six heroines (and Spike, too) when Princess Luna summons the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot. 
Half the Day is Night Prologue
Half the Day is Night Chapter 1
Half the Day is Night Chapter 2
Half the Day is Night Chapter 3
Half the Day is Night Chapter 4
Half the Day is Night Chapter 5 
Half the Day is Night Chapter 6
Half the Day is Night Chapter 7
Half the Day is Night Chapter 8
Half the Day is Night Chapter 9
Half the Day is Night Chapter 10
Half the Day is Night Chapter 11
Half the Day is Night Chapter 12
Half the Day is Night Chapter 13
Half the Day is Night Chapter 14

Half the Day is Night Chapter 15 (New!)
Half the Day is Night Epilogue (New!)

Alternate Tags: Long, Adventure, Intrigue, Romance, Swashbuckling

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