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DemoLanding on Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I have no clue what genre the first one is, but it's pretty freakin catchy! 1.) General Mumble - Cotoponi (The Mars Volta - "Cotopaxi" cover) 2.) A Rare Art: an AotD Orchestral Remix 3.) In Celestia's Honor (Fan Music) Read [...]
More about → Music: Cotoponi / A Rare Art / In Celestia's Honor
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Some of you may frequent Ponychan's /media/ board. Those few may recognize the Pony Music Archive, which is graciously upkept by a pony named Waka. It's reportedly so well-organized that even your grandmother could probably [...]
More about → Pony Music Archive: The 'Best Of' Compilation
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[Dark][Light Shipping] Psychology! Author: Vimbert the UnimpressiveDescription:In a town as crazy as Ponyville, what's an armchair psychologist to dowhen his own problems rear their heads? Deviant ArtFire and Rain Part 1Fire [...]
More about → Story: Fire and Rain (Update Part 4!)
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[Human In Equestria] [Comedy][Adventure]Author: CardsLafterDescription: "So yeah, I'm a human. And now I'm a pony. No, that's not a joke, though I would laugh if it were. All I did was party at my place [...]
More about → Story: Through The Eyes of Another Pony (Update Part 5!)
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From the same artist that brought us Blazbrony, a new game has been modified for ponydom. I've given so many fighting games a shot, but I never actually get through the learning curve of memorizing combos. These flash [...]
More about → Punishable Pony XX
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For all you potential novel writers out there, the actual event starts today! For the full ruleset, check out the post here!And the first update here. The pre-reader running the event has more copy paste too, have that below! [...]
More about → National Pony Writing Month Starts Today!
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[Crossover][Dark][Normal] Yep, I think we have officially crossed over everything at this point. Author: The Posh MothershucklerDescription: (Metal Gear Solid crossover) "Metal Gear has fallen into the hooves of an [...]
More about → Story: Pony Gear Solid (Update Part 3!)
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[Crossover] Woah, solid 5 at 28 votes? That's like, mathematically ridiculous. Author: MiyajimaDescription: A chance meeting with the new manager of the Canterlot Opera House propels Fluttershy to stardom as the lead [...]
More about → Story: The Pony of the Opera (Update Intermezzo!)
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I'm going to geek out for a second. I hope you don't mind.We've featured these spinny pony models before, and they've always been very impressive. Tonight, we have some more, this time featuring our favorite princess pair. [...]
More about → Spinny Celestia/Luna
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1920X1080Wallpaper time! Ponify your LIFE!(These are big, so the post might take a bit to load on a slower computer using anything but firefox. Apparently firefox is broken and loads these faster or something) Read [...]
More about → Wallpaper Compilation #13
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NIGHTMARESHave some art! Source 1 xanaethRead more [...]
More about → Drawfriend Stuff #171
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[Grimdark][Sad]Author: MistDescription: Seven years ago The Knights of Celestia marched into battle. Under direct order from Celestia, and commanded by Twilight Sparkle, they ran into battle against their unknown enemy. [...]
More about → Story: A New Equestria (Update 7!)
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SourceWhat is your favorite Derpy Hooves persona?I have to admit, the completely ridiculous Derpy is growing on me. I wonder what they will do with her now that she has her own specific animations in season two?Also [...]
More about → Comic: Dinky Abuse / Pocket Change
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[Random] [Comedy]Author: NightOfAccordionSaxDescription: After living in Ponyville for so long, Twilight is used to strangethings happening to her and her friends. One would think nothing couldfaze her. However, she may [...]
More about → Story: Six Mares in Tanks
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Mozilla's new rapid release schedule for its Firefox internet browser, which was created as a positive thing for the company, has come under a lot of scrutiny in the past few weeks and even more fuel was added to the fire [...]
More about → Mozilla's Rapid Release Schedule for Firefox Comes Under Scrutiny
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We got to see Twilight Sparkle/Pinkie Pie's parents, but the rest of the mane cast is still a mystery. Our fanon needs to be blown out of the water! I think I'm most curious about Rainbow Dash. How does a pegasus [...]
More about → More Pony Families Incoming in Season Two
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Well now that the whole picasa and google nightmare is over, have some news stuff!Aidan Mcateer released this animation reel with a small bit of Season 2 mixed in. Check it out at this link, or watch it below! I'm not sure [...]
More about → Animation Reel With a Few Seconds of Season 2
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Suddenly I want to play Fallout 3. Wonder why? Also something very...strange in the last slot. I think? 1.) Way Back Home 2.) Rainbow Factory PMV 3.) Dramatic Reading: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Theme SongRead more [...]
More about → PMV/Random: Way Back Home / Rainbow Factory / Dramatic Reading Theme Song
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Yes, I see them.No, I don't know why it's doing that. Blogger uses Picasa to host images, which is a Google service. It's their end and there's nothing we can do about it right now. Don't Pani [...]
More about → Regarding Broken Images
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[Sad]Author: TuxRugDescription: Rainbow is devastated to learn that despite her best performance yet, she didn't pass the Wonderbolt tryouts. Incredibly distraught, she makes the worst decision any pony could. She survives, [...]
More about → Story: Shattered Rainbow
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[Normal] I knew as soon as I saw this in my inbox what image it should have.Author: SomeGuyDescription: A Heatwave has descended on Equestria and Twilight and her friends are trying to find ways to stay cool.Beating the [...]
More about → Story: Beating the Heat
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SHE BITES I have posted these Luna orchestral tracks across a few threads over the past few weeks. This post compiles them, and adds the final one. You can find them all below! (Luna's Cry) (Luna's Charge)(Luna's [...]
More about → Luna Orchestral Series
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After a few interesting set backs, and a few weeks of voting, the tee shirt design contest entries are finally in! It looks like The Wonderbolts took the top slot, with a few other really neat designs coming in right behind [...]
More about → "We Love Fine" Tee Shirt Contest Results are In!
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What do you do?Read more [...]
More about → You Are Now Luna
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Scratch all over this edition!Have some news. Read more [...]
More about → Nightly Roundup #84
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[Normal] Creation time! Author: ClockworkchaosDescription: Of the creation of the Divine sister's and their peers, and of Equestria and of the elements of Harmony,All Chapters After the Break! Read more [...]
More about → Story: Of the Time Before (Update Complete!)
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[Normal] [Sad]Author: Harp's'ongDescription: A year’s passed since the Cutie-Mark Crusader’s formed with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle already earning their cutie-marks, yet so long as Applebloom’s flank remains blank the [...]
More about → Story: Aged Applewood (Update Part 2!)
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(Bonus Video)Set four of the Derpy Hooves lines have released! You can find the after the break!(Neighsayers need not neigh) Also have some Story of the Blanks WIP Pony Sprites!Read more [...]
More about → Derpy Lines Set 4!
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DemoLanding on Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[Crossover] More Doctor Whooves! Author: HephestusDescription: After being dropped off by The Doctor Twilight and her fellow TARDIS travelers are made an offer they can't refuse by rich and powerful CEO Zeitgeist Stardust. [...]
More about → Story: Mines of Dragon Mountain (Update Part 6!)
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Add captionI'd just like to make it abundantly clear that the comic linked above may in fact be my favorite Derpy related thing of all time. I'm sure that if I stopped to think about it I could come up with a dozen different [...]
More about → Triple Comic Spectacular!
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It has been at least a week since Luna had the main image in a drawfriend. We can't have that! Source 1Read more [...]
More about → Drawfriend Stuff #170
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[Normal] Some Celestia and Luna bonding stuff that apparently got lost in the hopper for a while! Well, Seth found it. Enjoy.Author: TalesContributing authors: MudBug, SkyeDescription: Luna and Celestia struggle to gain [...]
More about → Story: Two Truths and a Skye (Updated part 6!)
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[Adventure] Sounds like an adventure story to me! I like all these Normal fics.Author: SaliDescription: After a fine vacation in nearby Withersdale, Twilight and her friends decide to head back to Ponyville, and Twilight [...]
More about → Story: It's Like A Cake... (Update Part 7!)
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It looks like Brazil got an entirely different Mcdonalds toy pony set. They light up when you press a button. I wonder if these will ever find their way to other countries?You can find the website for them here! [...]
More about → Light Up Mcdonalds Toys in Brazil
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[Shipping][Random]Author: Thorin N. TatgeDescription: Six ponies. Fifteen combinations. Five alternate universes.Let's get this ship sailing!The Combinatorics Project Part 1The Combinatorics Project Part 2 (New!)The Combinatorics [...]
More about → Story: The Combinatorics Project (Update Part 2!)
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Original cover time! One rap, one Electonicy, and one acoustic. 1.) My Little MC Hip Hop is Magic 2.) Nightmare Moon Cover Song - Want You Gone3.) Ballad Of Autumn DreamsRead more [...]
More about → Music: My Little MC Hip Hop is Magic / Want You Gone NMM / Ballad of Autumn Dreams
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EbayGlados pony?! Best custom EVER!Have some custom ponies.Read more [...]
More about → Custom Pony Compilation #11
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[Grimdark][Crossover][Sci-Fi] Metro 2033 and ponies?! Madness I say! "A stunning example not just of post-apocalyptic worldbuilding, but of storycraft in general."- Pre-reader #23Author: RedSquirrel456Description: The metro [...]
More about → Story: My Little Metro (Update Part 5!)
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Diamond Dogs recently migrated to a new website. You can find it here!They also have a Rainbow Dash network account here. Episodes after the break. Read more [...]
More about → Diamond Dogs Podcast (Update Episode 8!)
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A lot of people have been asking for something like this, so I asked SmittyG to draw us some OC ponies and threw it into a post! Below you can find the OC ponies for Phoe, Cereal, and I (Cereal/Seth being new since we were [...]
More about → Authors and Pre-Reader Page!
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Yes... That's right. The Great and Powerful Trixie could have very well been a colt. Chris Savino is now my best friend / lord and savior. Sorry everyone else on the FiM team. [...]
More about → Trixie Almost Didn't Exist!
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SourceBehold, the Great and Powerful Princess Luna! She's so cute with her little cape. Ponies with little capes are, I think, about 15% cuter than ponies without little capes (not accounting for ponies which have something [...]
More about → Pony Plushie Compilation!
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[Crossover][Adventure] Yep! Assassins creed!Author: Zak THDescription: Luna is no longer Nightmare Moon, and has returned to rule Equestira once again, but not everypony is so ready to forgive. When a secret organization [...]
More about → Story: Brotherhood of the Moon (Update Part 8!)
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So... Luna music. I'm starting to think it's just random music with Luna added to the title. 1.) In Luna's Mind (Fan Music) 2.) Whitney's Miltank: 'Luna' Acoustic Piano Cover (original song by Eurobeat Brony) [...]
More about → Music: In Luna's Mind / Luna Acoustic Piano Cover / Luna Orchestral #8
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Lauren Faust recently posted a whole bunch of really neat FiM production sketches over on her Deviant Art page. Carrot farmer Applejack is kind of cute actually!All images are after the break. Read more [...]
More about → Production Sketches on Lauren Faust's DA Page
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There's nothing quite like the mental whiplash of being deeply embroiled in the transhumanistic science fiction future of Human Revolution, and then taking a break, checking your email, and finding it full of tiny little [...]
More about → Tiny Ponies!
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Buck apples I guess? What else do you do? Read more [...]
More about → You are now Applejack