Comic Con Final Poster Update

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, August 11, 2011

Crimson Valor and his team has heard your pleas!

They have modified everything and officially created the final version of the Comic Con poster for everyone to divulge in.

There are multiple versions, some with border/comic con text, some without any of that stuff.

The Deviant Art version is 5k resolution this time around,  meaning it should actually load on lower end computers.  The actual 30k file is still fully available for the new revisions though.

Everything can be found on the Deviant Art page specifically created for this one poster.

These guys deserve a lot of praise.  This is something you could bring to a poster shop and have printed out as a massive poster for your room, rivaling even the Comic Con versions.

You can find all versions here, OC free. 

Also a note from CV-
"It has been confirmed by a member of the show's production staff that one of the characters in the balloon in the original poster is indeed Cherry.  Likewise, it has been confirmed by the same production member that the balloon's other occupant is an official character.  However, this mystery second character is an as-of-yet unreleased Season 2 pony and cannot be revealed at this time, for legal reasons."

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