The Conversion Bureau Compilation (30+ Updates)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Conversion Bureau was a story created by somepony going by the name of Blaze. It sort of spawned an entire side community. There are many stories in this companion story post, some of which are really well done.

They are, for the most part, all either borderline or just straight-up self insert, and I don't quality check them at all unlike everything else that pops up. That was kind of the point though, it's a place for people to just express their love of ponies in story form without spamming everyone else.

I'm splitting them all off into this post, and letting the original story hang out on it's own.  Every 5 updates (5 separate stories, not 5 chapters) I will be bumping this like a normal update post!

Also check out the Conversion Bureau Guide for more information. Fanart will be placed in there! We’ve got some very good pictures.

All stories are after the break, all new and/or updated stories are now at the top!

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