League of Extraodrinary Gamers Charity Event

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lyra and Octavia play video games.  They are not Extraordinary Gamers, but even they donated a few bits to the make a wish foundation in honor of the League of Extraordinary Gamers event going on here.

Over the next 158 hours (Give or take a few due to my lateness), they will be marathoning all sorts of stuff in the name of charity!

So far they are currently at a whopping $1683.39 out of their goal of $10,000.  If you want to help out, head over to the channel, with an alternate below!

Twitch Channel
Justin.TV channel

They also said to post EQUESTRIA DAILY RAID if you come from here once you get into the comment section. 

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