Story: In Her Majesty's Royal Service (Update Complete!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, August 11, 2011

[Normal][Comedy]  Apparently this story made the pre-readers feel self conscious, since this author busts out amazing art too. In other words they liked it, a lot.

Author: Sagebrush
Description: Who are those courageous and stoic ponies that put their lives on the line in service of the princesses? Follow the tale of Storm Stunner, a new recruit to Equestria's Royal Guard.
In Her Majesty's Royal Service Part 1
In Her Majesty's Royal Service Part 2
In Her Majesty's Royal Service Part 3
In Her Majesty's Royal Service Part 4
In Her Majesty's Royal Service Part 5
In Her Majesty's Royal Service Part 6 (New!) 

Additional Tags: Guard, Ponies,Three, More, Words

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