Story: Letters To and From a Princess (Updated Part 12!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, August 25, 2011

[Normal] This was from the 300 story event actually, but the author decided to expand upon it.  After 3 parts it's long enough to upload as it's own story, so enjoy!

Author: Silent Magi
Description: Set about a year after the Nightmare Moon battle, Twilight Sparkle figures out that she has been a horrible friend to perhaps the pony that needs it most.
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 1
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 2
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 3
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 4
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 5
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 6 
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 7
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 8 
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 9 
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 10
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 11
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 12 (New!)

Additional Tags: Letters, Friendship, Special, Developing, Blossoming

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