Story: The Reluctant Reunion of the Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser (Update Complete!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, August 24, 2011

[Normal] Trixie!

Author: Ciroton
Description: Trixie assures you, no matter WHAT that infernal Twilight Sparkle says, she is NOT the Great and Powerful Trixie's sister, and that mare with her is NOT Trixie's mother!

... And most certainly of all, Trixie is not starving to death or down on her luck! She is the chosen protege of the greatest magician the world has ever know! There is no WAY that Trixie could ever be like that. None!
Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 1: What's old is New
Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 2: Prisoner of Kindness
Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 3: An End and a Beginning
Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 4: Penance of the Pompous Performer
Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 5: The Heir of Hoofdini (New!)

Additional Tags: It's TRIXIE! Do you NEED anymore incentive?

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