Story Updates August 10, 2011

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The story update queue is getting a bit crazy lately.  I'm going to compile some of the ones that have been in queue for a while into this thread for the sake of not spamming the front page with them.  All of these will also be in the nightly roundup, as always.

I've also included images since I know a lot of you remember stories based on imagery. 

I'm not going to toss all of the update queue stories in here,  so if your story isn't included, it's probably further up in the line. I know some of you don't like this method, but even the fanfiction tab is being wiped lately with updates. 

I think this should still give the same amount of heads up, especially now that I include updates in the nightly. 

Everything can be found after the break!

Please comment on the story threads themselves with feedback, not here!

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