4chan Mod Calls for Raid on Ponychan...?

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, February 28, 2011

The poor website couldn't handle it apparently...Lets just hope this doesn't leak over to our /co/ again.  I love you /b/ronies but you really do know how to stir up the bees nest.  I'm starting to wonder if Moot [...]
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Video: The Elder Scrolls VI: Equestria

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Now someone go mod oblivion with ponies.Also a shorter version after the break with a new antagonist! Read more [...]
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Comic: She-Rarity

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Stupid He-man gets all the Rar [...]
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Story: Fluttershy Monster Hunter

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[Crossover] I never did get into the video game, but maybe some of you have!Description: Fluttershy versus Rathalos, HEAVEN OR HELL, LET'S ROCK!Fluttershy Monster Hun [...]
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Derpy Hooves Day

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Yes, that's right.. March 1st is officially Derpy Hooves day.If you are on Facebook, here is the event link.  Derpy DayFor those that aren't, here are the copy pasted rules."March 1st is Derpy Day!Be sure to remember [...]
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Story: On Wings of SCIENCE!

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[Normal] I'm getting a lot of OC pony stories lately, and I have no clue what image to assign to them.  I'll draw the line at OC shipping alright?Description: A unicorn pony, after many years of work, has finally managed [...]
More aboutStory: On Wings of SCIENCE!

How To: Appeal Your Bans.

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Here is a step-by-step on how to get connected to the 4chan IRC channel and appeal your 14 day pony ban directly.  Some have found success with it.  It really is all based on which mod you get. If your appeal form [...]
More aboutHow To: Appeal Your Bans.

Writefriend/Drawfriend Friend Off Event is GO!

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I think I used this image recently.. oh well.Anyway, it looks like everyone is cool with another Writefriend/Drawfriend event.  So I'll post it up!***Update: Changed the Date, 2 weeks from now instead allowing bans [...]
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Story: Flowers and a Letter (Update Chapter 2!)

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[Shipping] Some Twilight and Fluttershy stuff with a few other ponies thrown into the mix!  Author doesn't speak English as his primary language so go easy on the grammar!Author: A.n.B.  Description: Twilight was [...]
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Story: Wintergreen

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[Normal] A Zecora Story! Her section could definitely use more now that she is a recurring character.  (Even if Trixie was way cooler)Description: Wintergreen is a bit of a loner, and with all the trouble he's been [...]
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Story: Little Pony

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[Normal] I'm not sure if this should be considered grimdark.  Is it legal to spank your kids these days? I don't really follow that stuff.Description: Apple Bloom gets in trouble.Little P [...]
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Poll Results: Least Favorite Main Pony?

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RARITY?!  You guys are dic [...]
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Should We Do a Drawfriend/Writefriend Write off?

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With half of our content producers banned from /co/, is it still viable to hold one of these in the schedule start-of-month time? Is there still any interest even, after the largely successful Valentines day ship off?If [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #32

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Lyra is my new waifu edition.Read more [...]
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Story: Coming Clean

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[Shipping] HUMANIZED PONIES? IN MY EQUESTRIA?  ...I guess. A new Gilda/Dash by Pacce!Description: Back in the old days Gilda had two fears: Dash discovering that Gilda had feelings for her and the girl's shower [...]
More aboutStory: Coming Clean

Story: The Day Equestria Ended (Update Part 2!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, February 27, 2011

[Grimdark] ZOMBIE PONIES! I suppose that was inevitable.Author: Icemane Description: A background pony is found (supposedy) dead on the everfree forest, after being gone for a few days. Twilight is to plan her funeral, [...]
More aboutStory: The Day Equestria Ended (Update Part 2!)

Art: Crazy Good Customs

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Holy crap these rock.  It's a shame the state of toys these days wouldn't allow something so intricate to be mass produced.  Or it's a shame we haven't thought of cost effective ways to mass produce stuff like [...]
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Song/Story: Be My Guest (Pinkie Pie Version)

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[Normal] In an attempt to cheer all the sad, banned, and scared bronies up, Choppers Top Hat has written a Pinkie Pie story to make everything better!  Check it out after the break, cause the image as long as hell.(based [...]
More aboutSong/Story: Be My Guest (Pinkie Pie Version)

Story: Completely Different (Updated Part 3!)

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[Shipping]. Looks like a new Dash shipping series! And I'm trying out shipping tags in the main body instead of at the bottom, since no one knows the ones at the bottom of the posts exist.Description: Chapter one of a Dashfic [...]
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Video: Purgatory

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There was an old series back when I played WoW years ago called "Never Stay Tuned", with a bunch of random commercials about various wacky things.This reminded me of that. It took me a about 20 seconds or so to understand wth I was watching though, [...]
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4chan Pony Wars Over; Peace Treaty Negotiated

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Looks like the new rules for MLP have been published and finalized... They are pretty strict though."Do:-Keep all MLP related content within the current largest MLP thread-Actually discuss the show-Ignore any threads speaking [...]
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Mods Finally Respond to MLP Bannings

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Apologies to those of you who have no clue wtf is going on, but for the 70% that do, it looks like the mods have finally given us...something to chew on.Apparently they were getting piles of complains about mlp avatars and [...]
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Comic: Shut it Down!

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Pretty mu [...]
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Splitting is Probably a Bad Thing

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We have 2 Pony focused chan boards.PonychanandFiMchanPonies are once again OK on /co/.  I think it was kind of decided that both boards have different types of communities.Ponychan was winning, but I don't think [...]
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Story: What Rarity Needs (Updated COMPLETE)

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[Shipping] A Series by Ebon Mane.  It is now COMPLETE with the addition of Part 5. Description: Twilights Research into Divination magic has given Rarity a vision about her future love.  Will she interpret the [...]
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Video: Lord of the Ponies

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Yes, Applebloom is now fro [...]
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Comic: Winter Wrap Up

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More Madmax stuff! This time in response to the armada of Madmax clon [...]
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Story: Twilight and Rarity's Magic Book

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[Shipping] I have so many kissing Twilight/Rarity pictures that could be used for this, but I'll spare your virgin eyes anti-shipping people!Warning: It does come very close to being a Fap Clop Fic  Description: When [...]
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Super Ponybeat: Fluttershy's Lullaby

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Super Ponybeat - Fluttershy's Lullaby is now available! You can download the File here..Super Pony Beat: Fluttershy's Lullaby And the Album Artwork here..Album Artw [...]
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4chan Mod Wiping Pony Threads.

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, February 26, 2011

Looks like some mod/janitor is going crazy with thread deletion on /co/, and ponies is now word filtered.The only thing we can really do is...EMAIL MOOTand pray he isn't the one that started the bs. Visit the Ponychan board [...]
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Comic: Great Moments

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Sadly blogger is resizing the crap out of this, so here is a link to the full comic.  Some epic derpy hooves stuff. Great MomentsAnd with that I'm off to work! See yah in 6 hours, feel free to email me more stuff to [...]
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My Parfect Day

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A Live reading by Derpy Hooves herself. You can also find the Link to the actual story belowMy Partfect [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #31

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This is too much work for free but I love you edition.Read more [...]
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Pony Parents confirmed, and On The Way

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This shouldn't be anywhere near as exciting as it is ohmigoshrainbowdash.jpgAlso ponies confirmed for not reproducing via magic, but doing it the old fashioned way. In after /co/ shitstorm and inb4 /co/ nightshift shits [...]
More aboutPony Parents confirmed, and On The Way

Staremaster Music Instrumental/Normal.

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

Music time!Below are a few links Spittie Pie sent me. Hush Now Quiet Now MP3Hush Now Quiet Now Instrumental Version of Sweetie Belle's Part. Both Versions + a .Flac versionNow we just need the super ponybeat version [...]
More aboutStaremaster Music Instrumental/Normal.

Poll Results: Who is Your Favorite Side Character?

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Poor Trixie, beaten by a Zebra [...]
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Weekly Wrap Up! February 19-26

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I think it's time to start doing these, to give everypony's content a second chance to get noticed! I will do them (hopefully) every Saturday.Like everything else on the website, I'm sure as time goes on these will get more [...]
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The Staremaster Downloads/Streams/Discussion

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So... that one was completely unexpected.  I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so no episode summaries or anything yet.Feel free to use this as a "side" discussion from the light-speed traveling /co/ posts that I'm [...]
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/co/ Pony Posts break the 6000 mark.

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SO MUCH PONYOver 6000 posts a day to be exact.  I don't think /co/ has ever had this much traffic.  Not even Avatar and Wakfu could come close. And it's all about colorful ponies and friendship.... who would have [...]
More about/co/ Pony Posts break the 6000 mark.

Comic: I Got Better

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Holy crap Madmax you are a comic MACHINEYou really should think about starting your own comic website.  You could be the pony version of Penny Arcade at this rate.&nb [...]
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Comic: Socially Akward Twilight

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Poor Twilight, she just doesn't...get it. I accidentally deleted the email I got this in, if anyone has a link to the artist so I can give them credit let me know. Along with a title, I need that t [...]
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Comic: Playing with Ponies

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I need a real title for this. Anyhow more Madmax comic awesome, this time about those dudes with their 48 minute pony review.&nb [...]
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Story: Deadpool and Ponies (updated)

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[Random] See this is where I run into a dilemma... Does this get both tags for being a crossover and random?  I don't know.  Maybe it deserves one over the other more?  I'm just going to keep it random, since [...]
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Story: Filly Fantasy VII

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[Crossover] It was inevitable I guess.  Filly Fantasy 7 now exists! Description: A parody of Final Fantasy VII, MLP-style.Filly Fantasy [...]
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Story Update: Letters from Bubbly 11-15

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Friday, February 25, 2011

These letters are from wayyy back when Derpy was first discovered.  Something a lot of you new people probably never even got a chance to see. You can find the main post below, as well as the new addition of letters [...]
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Day N' Night AMV

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So now that Twilight Sparkle has been turned to stone, I guess it's fitting to have her sing a song about it. Kind of... Really good lip syncing, which is always mildly entertaini [...]
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Pony Cut Out's

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So you want pony figures to play with but were too embarrassed to go to Mcdonalds?  Fear not! For RusselH over at Deviant Art has released some Pony Cutouts for you to use! Now you can have pony adventures in the comfort [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #30

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IT'S STARING AT ME EDITION!No but seriously its a really good drawing...Read more [...]
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Story Update: Secret Tub Fun Chapter 4

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Pinkie pie time!You can find this one and the 3 others in the link below.Secret Tub [...]
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Story: Murder in Ponyville (Updated Part 3)

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[Grimdark] Fluttershy mudered?Feel free to go completely berserk in the comments, this cannot be allowed. Description: Rarity is outraged by Fluttershy's insults to her and the dress she made, and she finally snaps. This [...]
More aboutStory: Murder in Ponyville (Updated Part 3)

Poll Results: Where do you come from?

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

I'm actually surprised there are so many other locations feeding the pony craze.  Though for some reason for the last few days I have gotten 600 hits from deviant art daily, but trying to follow the link back to it's [...]
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Art: Color Reference Chart

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

We had an older reference chart a while back, but this one definitely does a better job of explaining everything more clearly.  I'll add it to the Drawing Guide post as well once it archives.  So now you can go [...]
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