Story: Trix of the Trade (Update Complete!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Friday, June 24, 2011

[Normal] Today totally would have a trixie banner due to the insane amount of trixie that is about to be posted, but I know you guys would absolutely hate that.

Author: Miyajima
Description:The "Great and Powerful" Trixie has headed out to Appleloosa for a new start and a clean slate, but can she really leave behind a lifetime of bragging and showmareship?
Google Docs
Trix of the Trade
Trix of the Trade Part 2
Trix of the Trade Part 3 
Trix of the Trade Part 4
Trix of the Trade Part 5 (New!) All Links
Trix of the Trade

Additional Tags: Trixie, Appleloosa, OC, Showmareship, Snake Oil

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