Team Fortress Two Hat Giveaway

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Friday, June 24, 2011

Rarity is the coolest spy ever. 

Anyway, a brony has quit TF2, Sold most of his stuff, and plans on giving out the rest for free to anyone.  Here is how you get your hat, Copy pasted because I have way too many emails to go through-
For people to enter all they have to do is join the giveaway steam group MLP FiM Hats are Magic Giveaway ( by 10:00 PM Mountain Time tonight. I will then close the group to new members, put all the members names into, and match the top 101 names with the 101 items I am giving away. They don't have to be online at the time to win, and the actual assigning of prizes may take an hour or so to enter that many steam accounts into
That's a limited amount of time! So get to it!  

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