Rarity / Pinkie Pie / Flutter...squid?

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, July 31, 2011

SourceConfound these plushie ponies! So amazing.  SourceFluttersquidAlso some Pinkie Pie below!  That material looks sosoft.Also who started this trend of turning Fluttershy into various strange animals?  [...]
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Story: The Twilight War (Update Part 5!)

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[Grimdark-War] Because Rainbow Dash wasn't badass enough without missiles and a jetpack.   Author: KenaiDescription: Many years after the series, Equestria finds itself on the brink of war. When a routine patrol goes [...]
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Arizona Brony Meetup: Gamers Inn

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I was a bit skeptical of the whole meetup thing a few months ago.  Being bombarded with pictures/stories from various groups around the USA sort of converted me to the idea of it.Story after the break!Read more [...]
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Story: A Shower of Stars

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[Grimdark][Sad][Adventure]Author: CaerdwynDescription: When a half-forgotten plot reaches fruition, Rainbow Dash is given a chance to prove herself... but at a terrible priceA Shower of Stars Part 1A Shower of Stars Part [...]
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Story: The Song in the Shadows (Update Part 4!)

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[Normal] More Doctor Whoof time! Author: DashaliciousDescription: Luna discovers an unusual connection to another world that existswithin her fireplace.The Song in the Shadows Part 1The Song in the Shadows Part 2 The Song [...]
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The Great and Powerful Unboxing #2!

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If I didn't know any better, I'd say you guys think I have an obsession with Trixie or something... Blasphemy I say! Her cutie mark definitely hits the top of the scale in coolness though. Since the last one stayed up on [...]
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The Most Amazing Bathroom on the Planet

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This bathroom.... It's the greatest thing ever.I know that general bathroom etiquette is to stay silent and keep to yourself, but I'm pretty sure I'd be blabbering like Pinkie Pie if I walked into restroom like this.  [...]
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Synchtube Animation Marathon Week 3!

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It's Sunday, meaning animation night! This week over at the Mojo Synchtube channel they will be airing "We're Back: A Dinosaur Story" as well as the normal polls to pick everything else.  You can find the channel here! And [...]
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Ponychan Shipping Collection Volume 5

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Ponychan releases these compilations every once in a while, filled with second person pony shipping stories for those of you who are interested in that sort of thing!You can find it, and the Ponychan thread below!  [...]
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Remix War Round 3!

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Remix War Round III has come to a close!  This event just keeps getting bigger.  Unlike the last few posts, I will not be dropping 40 embeds (and crashing several computers in the process, my bad :3) The main challenge [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #143

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 I have no clue what is going on in this image but Rarity is a badass.Source 1Only 10 minutes late!Read more [...]
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Story: Controlling the Weather

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[Normal]Author: KupoMechanicDescription: The luxury of having full control over the weather has always been appreciated by the ponies in Ponyville. But all great things come at a cost, and Rainbow Dash is about to find out [...]
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Story: The Elder Scrolls: Equestria (Update Part 4!)

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[Crossover][Adventure] OC Ponies! Elder Scrolls! This calls for my favorite Oc pony. Author: Eamon ValdaDescription: It is the final days of the Third Era of Equestria, and mysterious events are taking place. How does [...]
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PMV: Pinkie Madness Returns / Amish Paradise / Today is Gonna Be a Great Day Pony

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#1 needs to happen. Pinkie Pie would be an amazing character for Alice. 1.) Pinkie Madness Returns 2.) Amish Paradise 3.) Today is Gonna Be a Great Day Pony HD Remix Read more [...]
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DJ Amaya MLP Theme Remix / The Staremaster / Extended MLP Theme

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More from DJ Amaya, as well as some rock, and a rip from the voicebox of that Twilight Sparkle plushie (I didn't even know that was possible!) 1.) DANIEL INGRAM - MY LITTLE PONY (DJ AMAYA VS. GROOVEBOT CLUB REMIX) 2.) The [...]
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Story: Twilight vs Winter

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[Normal][Comedy][Random]Author: JRDescription: Twilight finds that in the heart of winter she's slipping back into her shell. When she decides to get out and see her friends despite the weather, things don't go as planned.Twilight [...]
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Vocal Free Episodes 10, 11, 12

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These always impress me.  Will Anderson did an amazing job with the background scores for FiM.  I'm glad technology allows us to rip the main track out to listen to it better!No embeds this time around for the [...]
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Nightly Roundup #52

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Tonight is going to be Octavia Edition whether you want it to be or not.Also, tonight is Cereal Edition, because Seth is too busy to post this because he went to some meetup and I'm kind of jelly about that. Anyway, on with [...]
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Ridiculous Video Compilation

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TARMARE MOONI recieve a lot of random videos, some are pretty funny/ridiculous.  This post is for those!Also Trixie clock.  Read more [...]
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Another Bed!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, July 30, 2011

This is another version of that bed spread thing!  I'm not sure if multiple stores carry the same types, but this is available at Walmart, unlike the one from earlier found at Target. You can find the online page [...]
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International Friendship Day!

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For those of you following the nightly updates, you probably know that today was International Friendship day. What did you guys do to celebrate? Did your take part in the synchtube marathon? (That is still going I think). [...]
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Story: A Dream Come True

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[Normal] We haven't had a Spitfire story in a while. Author: Epic RarityDescription: It's Spitfire's first time auditioning for the Wonderbolts and she is pretty confident in her abilities. However, she meets a certain colt [...]
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Comics: Chickens are Super Spies/Memes on the Moon

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Hey! Hey guys! I know how to call an international agent of intrigue and mysery! Scootaloooo! Scoot Scoot Scootaloooo! Also works on chickens for some strange reason. The above awesomery from everypony's favorite flight-challenged [...]
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How Certain Episodes Might Have Played Out

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Here, have some videos I made instead of walls of text that I made!I was bored this afternoon, and got to thinking just exactly how certain episodes of the show would have played out had a character in them either used some [...]
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PMV: My Little Pony Extended Theme ELECTROPOP REMIX / Cutie Mark Space Crusaders [Remix] / KeepOnRockin

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I really hope Hasbro releases the full theme for us. I'm sure remixing it off of a toy isn't the easiest thing on the planet.   Also some Space crusaders (Who remind me of space Teemo for some reason!) Have some YTPMV's! [...]
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Custom Pony Compilation #4

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SourceYeesh, these custom artists are nuts sometimes.  That's the coolest dash ever.SourceNot to mention this Amazing blind bag Trixie, complete with wizard hat and cape, and a blindbag Scotaloooo.  All 3 are up [...]
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Story: Going Home (Update Part 3!)

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[Normal] We definitely haven't had anything with Pinkie Pie's parents yet. Apparently we have! Author: MazerDescription: When Pinkie's Father becomes too sick to work, she is requested by her mother to return home to the [...]
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Synchtube Filly Mare-athon..Again!

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Hope you guys aren't sick of re-watching the episodes yet!Have some marathon! Starts in...10 minutes! http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly is the mane roomhttp://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly4 Is the backup r [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #142

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These character compilations are amazing.   Everypony edition  I guess? Source 1Read more [...]
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Poll Results: Which Pony Looks Best in Socks?

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I think we can end this nonsense already. I can't believe Nyx almost beat Fluttershy.  Remember 4 months ago when I said OC ponies would be more accepted as our desperation for pony increases?  Looks like it happened... [...]
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Story: Learn to Fly

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[Normal][Adventure]Author: Vimbert the UnimpressiveDescription: Twilight Sparkle always tries to do things by the book and thinkthings through logically. When logic isn't enough, Twilight must learn tosoar above her failings [...]
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Pony Bedspread Image

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A while back, I posted about some new pony throw blanket at Target, and included a snippet about some sheets/pillow cases.   I didn't have an image of it though!For those of you curious about going all the way [...]
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Comment Subscriptions

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One of the pre-readers pointed out that you can actually subscribe to the comments on blogger posts.  I can't believe I didn't notice this...So if you want to be emailed every time someone comments on something, instead [...]
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PMV: Play Like Pinkie Pie / Virus Alert Weird Al / Nissan - Pôneis Malditos

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These mane cast PMV's are amazing. I'm pretty sure Drums&Base Pie is way cooler than Dubstep Dash Also some weird al, and the strangest commercial I have ever seen. You can find the translation under the video, courtesy [...]
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Story: My Little Enterprise: Of First Contacts and Little Blue Boxes

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[Grimdark][Sci-Fi][Crossover] "As a longtime Trekkie, I really, REALLY liked this one.  It's remarkably dead on and feels both like 'MLP in the far future' and 'standard Trek episode'... specifically, it feels somewhere [...]
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Comics: Celestial Beings and Cosmic Horrors

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Hey there, everypony! It's comic time! Yay, comic time. Today's fare deals with the vast reaches of reality beyond the scope of our every day lives. Deep stuff! Above, please find enclosed a lovely little comic in which [...]
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Rarity in the deep / Half pony: Full Pony Consequences / Winter Wrap-Up

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PMV's sure are PMVish. At least the first and third. The second one is a live reading of that ridiculous half life fanfiction that popped up a while ago, but with ponies. 1.) Rarity in the deep2.) Half pony: Full Pony [...]
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Story: Smudge on the Record

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[Grimdark][Light-Shipping][Adventure]Author: Kao1214Description: When Trixie returns to Ponyville for her revenge on Twilight, things take a horrible turn. Now Trixie finds herself fleeing the law for a crime not her fault, [...]
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Nightly Roundup #51

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Why are ponies with katanas so awesome?  Does that make me a weeaboo? Today is the International Day of Friendship technically.  I'm hitting up the Arizona meetup tonight to celebrate, what are you doing?The MLP [...]
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FiM Advent Calendar

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Someone sent this one a while back, but didn't give me anything other than a picture!  I guess it has been hangin out on the German Amazon since May. Now /r/ing Cheerilee in Santa Hats, cause she is beyond cute.  [...]
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Socks... and Skates

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SourceTrust Pinkie Pie to take things to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!Not only does she have multiple colored socks, but she also threw some skates [...]
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