Comic: The Ballad of Mecha Pinkie Pie

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I finally get to start sneaking posts into the schedule again. Today's offering is an as-of-yet unfinished comic about Pinkie Pie building a giant robot and getting some serious parrrr-tay on. Y'know, like you do when it's 5 am and you have a giant mechanical version of yourself lying around. Ah, memories.

At any rate, have a look. Flamingo, our artiste du jour, has put together some wonderfully vibrant visuals and a Pinkariffic little story so far. He's also uploading it panel by panel, so instead of spamming the hay out of this post with image after image I'll simply link you to the gallery below. Have fun, everypony!

The Ballad of Mecha Pinkie Pie
(Update Part 11)

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