Tubey Awards Round 2!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How can you not vote for that face?!  She would be CRUSHED if you didn't help her win! Do you think Rarity's whining is obnoxious (assuming you aren't like Cereal who thinks it's the voice of angels)?  Trixie's JOB is being loud and annoying.  If she doesn't win, you might as well have your ear drums surgically removed. 

Anyway, the Tubey Awards have moved on to a new round of polls.   Friendship is Magic is up for the following:

Most Underrated Show - Poll #6
Guiltiest TV Pleasure - Poll #13

Tubey Awards

IMPORTANT- If a vote goes through, you will see this image!
Firefox seems to have some issues with their site.  You might have to use chrome for your vote to count!

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