Story: No Tame Forest

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, July 20, 2011

[Normal] "You'd better be both dead and sick
If you don't drop everything and read this fic
Work and sleep?  That is a load!
Read it now lest my anger EXPLODE!"-
Pre-reader who RP's Zecora and drives everypony else insane.

Author: PhantomFox
Description:An injured Rainbow Dash is rescued by Zecora after a rogue natural
storm crashes her into the Everfree Forest. But with an even fiercer
storm on the horizon, will Rainbow Dash be able to recover in time?
Can they figure out how to tackle this tempest and keep it from
blowing Ponyville to pieces?
No Tame Forest

Additional Tags: Episode-like (episodic?), Storm, Everfree, Zecora, Rainbow Dash

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