Twilight Sparkle Boot Up Animation For Android

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, July 20, 2011

For those of you with rooted android phones (and a few others), this pack of downloads will replace the boring stock boot-up screen with the best pony in the show!

Inside the Zip you will find different resolutions for various devices.  Be sure to check out the readme and follow the link to determine the correct size for your phone.

Note: this is primarily for people with rooted phones, though through hours of google I found it is possible on some to do it without.  The readme also gives a brief explanation on how to do it through console commands with the android SDK.

Warning: Rooting your phone does void the warranty, and there is always a chance you will screw something up and brick it. It's also a pain depending on your firmware (Like my 2 hours of hell yesterday!)

The DA page for this is here!

Have a download link!

You can find the video of Twilight Sparkle summoning the Android OS after the break!

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