Minecraft Compilation Time

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, July 6, 2011

You guys just keep on filling my box with minecraft, so lets do another compilation! 

This continent sized My Little Pony logo is brought to you by the people over at ponycraft.org.  It took 4 days to build, and used over 10,000 blocks. 

It's almost a calming experience building ridiculously large structures in this game. Back before the pony craze started, I could spend many an hour just piling blocks up.  It was..nice.  Almost like one of those zen sand pit things. 

But Ponycraft.org isn't the only one busting out pixel art.  I think everyone who spends time in the endless bounds of the minecraftean universe has given at least some consideration to our favorite little equines.  After the break, you can find a few more random pixeled ponies.  Enjoy!

And be sure to check out the various pony minecraft servers...


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