Minecraft Ponies Compilation Post

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And then Cereal was making a Minecraft compilation post.

I used to play Minecraft a lot- it's a great time waster, but I never imagined the capabilities of the engine to create art like this. Maybe I'm not just not very creative! To be honest, though, most of the time that I played the game I was busy trying not to get my head eaten by zombies and spiders- not to mention looking out for those lava pits. Fuck lava pits, for serious. They're all always near gold or diamonds, and as soon as you have any of those in your inventory, you fall right into the goddamn lava pit and die. I've rage-quit and deleted worlds more than once because that's happened. It's absolutely ridiculous and I'm convinced the game hates me. I will say this, though: I am really good at making houses in the game. Foolproof, zombie-proof houses. I think that skill stems from the fact that I am terrible at RTS games because I focus all my attention on making sure my base is neat and tidy instead of producing units to protect it. Supreme Commander didn't help this tic, because you are rewarded with reduced production energy use if you surround your structures with power generators. So, really, that was a good incentive to make sure everything was neat and orderly, right up until you got carpet-bombed because you were building power generators instead of triple-A cannons. It didn't really help that power generators were built like bombs in that game. If you sneeze on them, they explode.

Oh, by the way, as long as I'm hijacking this post, I do not hate Pinkie Pie.Thank you very much.

Anyway, this will all be after the page break, because there's a lot of cool stuff in here! The titular image there is courtesy of Sayani, but it's mostly there because that was the first email Seth sent me!

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