Story: Five's Company

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, July 9, 2011

[Normal][Comedy][Shipping] Love HEXAGON, that's right. We don't deal in triangles here at Equestria Daily folks.  And is this an excuse to use the image from last night again?! I think so!

Also have some pre-reader quotes for lulz.
"holy shit post it seth PLEASE"-Pre-reader #2
"Seth, Post this, or I will be forced to come and get you..."-Pre-reader #15
"Post it. For the love of all that is pony. Post it!" -Pre-reader #12

Author: Yanmato
Description: Each of Rainbow Dash's best friends have finally decided to express their true feelings for her. Unfortunately, they've all decided on the same day. Even worse- they discover too late that Rainbow Dash is the only mamber of the Mane 6 who's actually straight!
Five's Company

Additional Tags: One-way love hexagon: hilarity ensues.

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