Take Inventory and Save Time on Claims

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Take Inventory and Save Time on Claims
By anticipating a claim, you could save yourself time and money! This website makes it easy: KnowYourStuff.org. It allows you to upload photos, receipts, appraisals, and descriptions for free.

Features include taking inventory room-by-room and also points out what to take inventory of.

Most importantly, all your information is stored in a secure location online in the event that your home is destroyed-- making it easy to get your information from anywhere at anytime.

Take Inventory and Save Time on Claims
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First US Death in Texas Due to Swine Flu

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First US Death in Texas Due to Swine Flu
The first death due to swine flu has been reported today. A young boy reported to be either 22 or 23 months old died in Texas while he was visiting with his family from Mexico.

President Obama has asked congress for $1.5 billion in emergency funds to combat the flu. "This is obviously a serious situation, serious enough to take the utmost precautions," he stated.

Dr. Richard Besser of the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on the Today Show that it's still too soon to tell how quickly the virus is spreading.

At this time, the CDC has the most up-to-date information regarding deaths and confirmed infection. With 91 US cases, New York still leads today with 51 cases with many other states just having been reported within the last 24 hours. It seems to be spreading quickly.

Mexico is faring the worst with the flu-- over 2000 cases have been reported and more than 150 deaths. Other countries reportedly affected are Canada, Britain, Spain and New Zealand. And although statements have been made that you cannot contract the disease by eating or preparing pork, many nations have banned pork products and Egypt has ordered the slaughter of all pigs.
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Justin Timberlake's The Phone Debut's Tonight

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Justin Timberlake's The Phone Debut's Tonight
Justin Timberlake wants you to answer The Phone.

We've got the inside scoop on MTV's exciting new show, The Phone, produced by Justin Timberlake. How? We got connections...Joel stars-- nephew of our very own Dana Hays (of our exclusive Graduate Department).

What is The Phone?
The Phone is not your garden variety reality show. Think Ashton Kutcher's Punk'd meets Amazing Race but replace the comedy with non-stop action.

Two teams of two people (complete strangers) are suddenly given a dangerous mission by way of phone call which they take for the chance of winning $50,000. According to MTV, "One minute they might be sipping on a latte, watching the world go by. One phone call later, they could find themselves hanging from the edge of Seattle's Space Needle or racing into a burning building to save the life of a man about to be executed."

The Phone airs on MTV tonight, April 21st at 10pm.

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How To Get An Immediate 10% Savings On Your Car Insurance

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, September 26, 2011

Insurance can be confusing at the best of times, but here are some of the most common misconceptions about auto insurance coverage. The colour of your car affects your insurance rate. Most people may not know it, but the insurance industry is colour-blind. It doesn't matter if your car is blue, red, silver, white, or black, your insurance rate for that make and model of car will always remain the same. 

 A 2-door car is more expensive to insure than a 4-door. Not true. In fact a 4-door is often more expensive. This is because insurance companies look at the price of the car, repair costs, theft frequency and its previous claims history when determining your rate.

Getting a parking ticket means your insurance rates will go up. If that were the case, we'd all be singing the blues. Parking tickets by themselves do not count against your driving record or your insurance, but unpaid fines could affect your ability to renew your driver's licence or worse result in a licence suspension - which will affect your rate. Getting a speeding ticket means your insurance rates will go up.

Not necessarily. Your first minor speeding ticket (up to 15 mph over the speed limit) will probably not affect your insurance rate. But accumulate two or three convictions and you'll probably be paying more to be insured. A major speeding ticket (more than 15 mph over the speed limit) and your rates go up for sure.

You don't have to pay your deductible if the police said the accident was not your fault. The police may not have deemed you criminally responsible for the accident, but it's your insurance company who has the final decision as to whether you pay your deductible or not. If they investigate the accident and rule that it's not your fault, they have the right to waive your deductible. Until then, you better be prepared to pay...

Cheaper cars cost less to insure and luxury cars more to insure. Not necessarily. The premium you pay for your auto insurance is based on many factors including the price of the car, its repair costs, theft frequency and its previous claims history. 

When these factors are combined, a cheaper car could cost more to insure than a luxury model. It doesn’t matter which insurance company I have auto insurance with, I’ll end up paying the same rate. Not true. Auto insurance rates vary from company to company - sometimes by hundreds of dollars per year!

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Tips to Keep Your Home From Being a Target for Burglars

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Advice from Consumers Union of U.S., Inc.

A home is robbed every 14.6 seconds and the average dollar loss per burglary is $2,119, according to statistics just released by the FBI. And that's the good news because burglaries were down slightly in 2010 compared to 2009. Sure you lock your doors and windows when you're not home (you'd be surprised how many people don't). But here are ten things that you're probably doing that make your home a target, and what you should do instead:

1. Leaving your garage door open or unlocked. Once inside the garage, a burglar can use any tools you haven't locked away to break into your home, out of sight of the neighbors. Interior doors between the garage and your home often aren't as strong as exterior doors and may not have deadbolt locks.

Instead: Always close and lock the garage door. Consider getting a garage-door opener with random codes that automatically reset.

2. Hiding spare keys. Burglars know about fake rocks and leprechaun statues and will check under doormats, in mailboxes, and over doorways.
Instead: Give a spare set to a neighbor or family member.

3. Storing ladders outdoors or in unlocked sheds. Burglars can use them to reach the roof and unprotected upper floor windows.
Instead: Keep ladders under lock and key.

4. Relying on silent alarm systems. Everyone hates noisy alarms, especially burglars. Smart thieves know that it can take as long as 10 to 20 minutes for the alarm company or cops to show up after an alarm has been tripped.
Instead: Have both silent and audible alarms.

5. Letting landscaping get overgrown. Tall hedges and shrubs near the house create hiding spots for burglars who may even use overhanging branches to climb onto your roof.
Instead: Trim any bushes and trees around your home.

6. Keeping your house in the dark. Like overgrown landscaping, poor exterior lighting creates shadows in which burglars can work unobserved.
Instead: Replace burned out bulbs promptly, add lighting where needed, and consider putting fixtures on motion sensors or light sensors so that they go on automatically.

7. Not securing sliding doors. These often make tempting targets.
Instead: When you're out, put a dowel down in the channel, so that the door can't be opened wide enough for a person to get through.

8. Relying on your dog to scare away burglars. While barking my deter amateurs, serious burglars know that dogs may back away from someone wielding a weapon, or get chummy if offered a treat laced with a tranquilizer.
Instead: Make your home look occupied by using timers to turn lights, radios, and TVs on and off in random patterns.

9. Leaving "goody" boxes by the curb. Nothing screams "I just got a brand new flat-screen, stereo, or other big-ticket item" better than boxes by the curb with your garbage cans.
Instead: Break down big boxes into small pieces and bundle them together so that you can't tell what was inside.

10. Posting vacation photos on Facebook. Burglars troll social media sites looking for targets.
Instead: Wait until you get back before sharing vacation details or make sure your security settings only allow trusted "friends" to see what you're up to.

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Mozilla Debating a 5-Week Release Schedule for Firefox

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mozilla FirefoxI think it is safe to say that the new six week rapid release cycle for Mozilla Firefox internet browser has drawn a lot of controversy since it was announced and put into effect. However, it seems as if Mozilla likes the negative press because it seems as if there could be more to come from this rapid release cycle.

In a recent thread noticed on a developer mailing list, anybody and everybody involved in the effort has been debating the possibility of shortening the cycle even more. These developers are considering shortening the already short six week cycle to a five week cycle or even shorter than that.

According to Mozilla Software Companies Engineer Josh Aas, "Our transition to releasing every six weeks went really well. We're getting fixes to users much more quickly than we used to, but can we get fixes to users even faster? Moving to a five week cycle would mean a fix going into mozilla-central would get to users three weeks faster."

So shortening the short cycle that people are already complaining about sounds like a good idea? To Aas it does. "That's a big deal," Aas added. "It's an upgrade in responsiveness that we can't afford not to pass on if we can pull it off. I suspect the only way to know if we can do it is to try - we can always back off if it doesn't work out."

However, not everybody is objecting to the idea of shortening the cycle. Firefox Release Manager Christian Legnitto stated, "Yes, I absolutely think in the future we will shorten the cycle--but it won't be soon. We have some work to do to make six weeks smooth from a process, tool and product side. When we get six weeks down to a science, we can shorten as needed."

Source: PC World - Mozilla Mulls a 5-Week Firefox Release Cycle
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Windows 8 Developer Preview

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Windows 8, the highly anticipated followup to the hugely successful Windows 7 operating system from Microsoft, was displayed, albeit briefly, way back at D9. However, Anaheim is where the new OS is really going to kick off. Microsoft is starting its Build conference with a full-on developer preview of the new OS, code-named Windows 8 at the moment.

According to Microsoft's President of Windows and Windows Live Division Steven Sinofsky, Microsoft has been completely re-imagining the Windows operating system. In doing so the company has brought a lot of new capabilities that coders will be able to dive into sooner rather than later.

The new "Metro-styled" user interface is right up front and brings new graphical elements of the Windows Phone 7 to your desktop, laptop or tablet. In addition to that, Windows 8 will also come with Internet Explorer 10 pre-installed as well as a more intense focus on apps that have the ability to communicate with each other.

If you have been using Windows 7 for a while now and you are used to it, you should have no problem making the switch to Windows 8. Windows 8 is built primarily on the same foundation as Windows 7 though the retooled Task Manager and Windows Explorer should tease your interests a little more.

The new Windows Store will allow developers to present their apps to any country that has availability to Windows 8, and support for ARM-based chipsets is also proudly included along with x86 compatibility. What this basically means is that every device from a small tablet to a large custom PC will be able to easily handle everything Windows 8 has to offer.

Microsoft has also confirmed backwards compatibility with "devices and programs" that support Windows 7. In addition to that it has also been said that developers will be able to download the Windows Developer Preview from the new Windows Dev Center later on in this week, though no official date has been specified.

I don't know about you but I am thoroughly excited for Windows 8. I can't wait to get my hands on this new operating system and start exploring all the new features it has to offer!

Source: Engadget - Microsoft launches Windows 8 developer preview, downloads coming 'later this week'
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Bronyville Livestream Recordings/Wrapup

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Bronyville event was a huge success!  For those that missed it, GhostWolf over on Ponychan recorded some of the key moments, including the god damn MAGNETO.

Check out the links below! I'll post actual streams as they arrive, but for now it's all direct download links.

At The Magneto (For those wondering WTF is going on!) : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PULFCASC

Dennis Hu (Rocko) - Video Link - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HU41J6M2

Dennis Hu (Rocko) - Audio Only Link - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BE0FVYC8

Eurobeat Singing and the Between Episode Break - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8IB0QG7I

Interview with Sibsy and Raven (It's amazing, just listen to it) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8T6FSJPA

Apple Cider Singing So Many Wonders - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O2MMMTDQ
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Nightly Roundup #95

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It has been at least a week since Fluttershy had a night, so Fluttershy time!

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Story: Rising Tension (Update Part 5+6+7+8!)

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[Shipping] Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy shipping? That's kind of a strange combo tbh!

Author: Speccy
Description: Fluttershy has hidden feelings for a certain hyperactive pony but has trouble getting it out.
Rising Tension 
Rising Tension Part 2
Rising Tension Part 3
Rising Tension Part 4
Rising Tension Part 5 (New!)
Rising Tension Part 6 (New!)
Rising Tension Part 7 (New!)
Rising Tension Part 8 (New!)
More aboutStory: Rising Tension (Update Part 5+6+7+8!)

Story: Blueblood Returns (Update Story 3!)

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Author: Geldon
Description: Despite her best efforts to the contrary, Prince Blueblood has returned for Rarity! It's up the other mane five and Spike to bring about a happy ending to this fairy tale. This fanfic endeavors to capture a fairly standard episodic feel to it.
All Chapters + Story 3 After the break! 
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Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Part 2!)

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[Grimdark] [Adventure]

Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.

Upheaval: Breaking Point Part 1
Upheaval: Breaking Point Part 2 (New!)

Additional Tags: long, war, action, drama, romance
More aboutStory: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Part 2!)

Story: Luna's Best Night Ever (Update Part 7!)

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[Normal][Shipping] So much shipping today! Have some Twiluna

Author: The-Symbol-Dynamic
Description: Princess Luna only wants to do her part to make the Grand Galloping Gala the best night ever for her saviors, the Elements of Harmony. She sets out on a mission, inspired by their song, to work behind the scenes and ensure everything works out perfectly for everyone.
All Parts after the break!

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PMV: Book of Pony Round 2 / Rarity - Fashion / Particle Horse

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, September 10, 2011

I really hope Scootaloo and Dash have a bit of hangout time in season two.  All these flight training fics and videos make them seem like the perfect duo. 

1.) The Book of Pony: Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash (But Mostly Rainbow Dash)
2.) Rarity - Fashion
3.) Particle Horse

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YTP: The Grand Galloping Collab

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It's YTP time. As with all videos in this style, it is filled to the brim with all sorts of inappropriate and non-worksafe stuff.

Enjoy! You can find it after the break.

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Comic: Cutie Mark Crusaders Ninja Fashion Fixers!

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Story: A Broken Bond (Update Part 5!)

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Author: Rated-R PonyStar
Description: Apple Bloom wants to try out Scootaloo's scooter, but Scootaloo refuses without giving a reason. Apple Bloom decides to try it out in secret, but an accident happens that breaks not only the scooter, but also a friendship as Apple Bloom learns the truth about the scooter and resolves to make it right.
Google Documents
A Broken Bond Part 1
A Broken Bond Part 2
A Broken Bond Part 3
A Broken Bond Part 4
A Broken Bond Part 5 (New)

A Broken Bond (All Links)

Additional Tags:  CMC, Friendship, Trust, Sad,
More aboutStory: A Broken Bond (Update Part 5!)

Cereal Forgot the Title (Bronyville Livestream Discussion)

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>mfw Seth's and my section in the Mareathon is over.

Feel free to make fun of us for anything we said. Just make sure to stay tuned for Phoe and Tek- they're on at 11PM blog time, which is in just under three hours. They're way more entertaining than we are!
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YTPMV: On To Ponytown v2 / Sex with Ponies / Terrapony

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This has absolutely nothing to do with what you think it is.

1.) On To Ponytown v2
2.) Sex with Ponies.
3.) Terrapony

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Comics: Scootawhiplash

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Just what have I become, my sweetest friend? Everypony I know goes away in the end. But you could have it all, my empire of dirt. Scootaloo will let you down. Scootaloo will make you hurt. Ha ha, it is a clever metaphor for the emotional rubber band that is this post. It was such a good idea to not sleep last night, I can't believe it!

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Story: A World Without Rainbows (Updated Part Act 2 Part 6!)

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Story: Evil's Twilight

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Author: Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
Description: When unforeseen weather disrupts the Winter Wrap Up effort, Twilight is left to fend for herself. She stumbles upon a once in a lifetime experience, but everything has a price to pay.
Evil's Twilight Part 1: Chills
Evil's Twilight Part 2: Inklings

Additional Tags: OCs Are Not Bad Mkay?
More aboutStory: Evil's Twilight

Story: With a Heavy Heart (Update Part 8!)

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Author: Krypqe
Description: Pinkie Pie is gone, Vanished, in the dead of night. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is on the verge of losing Two more of her closest friends, as she learns of the complications of a Love triangle, even if she doesn't realise yet...
With a Heavy Heart Part 1
With a Heavy Heart Part 2 
With a Heavy Heart Part 3
With a Heavy Heart Part 4
With a Heavy Heart Part 5
With a Heavy Heart Part 6 
With a Heavy Heart Interlude
With a Heavy Heart Part 7
With a Heavy Heart Part 8 (New!)

Additional Tags: Love Triangle, Mystery, Confusion, Self-Discovery.
More aboutStory: With a Heavy Heart (Update Part 8!)

Comics: After the Hurricane/Back to the Past

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Today's a comics extravaganza, because I've got a bunch of them, and Seth is either too busy or too lazy to schedule the day. And since he never checks these things, I can say this kind of thing about him in public without fear of repercussion. It's like a game! =D

Speaking of not having a transition, have some comics. Above, Fluttershy is adorable. Below, Twilight messes up a spell. I'd say something about that being a pony trope, but really there aren't enough instances of the mane cast turning into fillies, so hey!

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Drawfriend Stuff #181

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Never did play this game! It was always on my list though.

Have some art. 

Source 1
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Story: Of Two Minds (Update Complete!)

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Author: C. Theron Vulpin
Description: Taking a very different perspective on the term "Twixie," this is the tale of a mind-swap spell gone wrong.

Of Two Minds (New Chapter 7+8!)

Additional Tags: Magical Mishap, NOT Twilight's Fault!
More aboutStory: Of Two Minds (Update Complete!)

Story: Solar Flare (Update Story 3 Part 2!)

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Author: Dragryphon
Description: The War of the Night, an event so hushed up that only small legends left behind tell of the time it occurred. A discovered tome, however, reveals the history of the war, of the ruling sisters, and some things best left forgotten. Some things the two ruling sisters would prefer to remain hidden...
Solar Flare Part 1
Solar Flare Part 2
Solar Flare Part 3 

Additional Tags: Luna, Celestia, Nightmare Moon, War, Sorrow

All Extra Stories after the break! 

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Story: A Chat with Rainbow Dash

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Author: John Perry
Description: From my studies in Equestrian hippology, I present an interview I conducted with famed mare Rainbow Dash regarding Equestrian culture and her response to her popularity amongst the brony community of Earth. It is my hope that this account will offer unique insights into Equestrian society and culture and enlighten readers intrigued by what this world and its inhabitants have to offer us.

I would like to personally thank those organizations and institutions that put forth the time and resources that enabled me to conduct this research: the North American Institute of Research and Education, Canterlot University, the Celestial Gates Fund, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
A Chat with Rainbow Dash

Additional Tags: academic essay, Hippology, Equestrian culture
More aboutStory: A Chat with Rainbow Dash

Comic: Super Smash Ponies (Update Part 7,8,9!)

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This comic has a really interesting visual style. It's not FiM accurate in the slightest and it's very unapologetic about that, but with the simplified faces, the stretchy, shiny bodies, and the black and white aesthetic, it looks a heck of a lot like a pony version of Steamboat Willie. Very, very awesome, and very very cute.

Oh, and I guess somewhere hidden in some corner there might be a Super Smash Brothers reference or two. I dunno, I couldn't find any. Can you?

Super Smash Ponies: Page 1
Super Smash Ponies: Page 2
Super Smash Ponies: Page 3
Super Smash Ponies: Page 4
Super Smash Ponies: Page 5
Super Smash Ponies: Page 6
Super Smash Ponies: Page 7 (New!)
Super Smash Ponies: Page 8 (New!)
Super Smash Ponies: Page 9 (New!)
More aboutComic: Super Smash Ponies (Update Part 7,8,9!)

Super Filly Adventure

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Do you have weird urges to shed your human life and just BE a FILLY?! Well now is your chance! Super Filly Adventure lets you wander around ponyville and do all sorts of pony related tasks while sporting a brand new yellow and green pony persona.  Check it out on newgrounds!
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Story: Guardians (Update! Chapter 11!)

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Author: WarHorse72
Description: Twilight always knew the military wasn't wanted by most ponies. But it takes a trip to Stalliongrad going wrong for her to realize just how much they kept order and safety in Equestria regardless.
Guardians (All Links) (New! Chapter 11)

Additional Tags: Deeper look at the world
More aboutStory: Guardians (Update! Chapter 11!)

Facebook Page ScreenshotDay #3

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Poor Fluttershy! Everypony seems so sad in season two! Confound this chocolate rain...

Not too much to dig for this time.  There isn't any corn at least.

Edit: Have an extra! Twilight being badass as usual.  Also CORN.

More aboutFacebook Page ScreenshotDay #3

Comic: Panel Play

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We showed you guys the first two comics in this series a while back, but Solar Slash keeps churning them out. And if he wants to keep drawing ridiculously cute Pinkie Pies and their comic panel shenanigans, far be it from me to discourage him.  In fact, how about we go ahead and make a little compilation post right here? You get to see a bunch of silly comics, and I get to have an easier time updating things if more come along. It's win win!

...Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Pinkie Suu'gar wgah'nagl fhtagn. Ia! Ia!

Panel Play I
Panel Play II
Panel Play III
Panel Play IV
Panel Play V
More aboutComic: Panel Play

Story: Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship

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Author: Jake Heritagu
Description: Twilight Sparkle has finally gotten tired of Overlord Celestia's tyrannical rule over the Netherworld. No longer being able to stand it anymore she begins a journey to find a way to not only take down the Overlord, but to replace her with someone much more qualified to be Overlord. However, it will be a journey she will never be fully prepared for.
Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship Intro
Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship Prologue
Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship Chapter 1 Part 1
Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship Chapter 1 Part 2

Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship (All Links)

Additional Tags: Almost Everpony Ever and More
More aboutStory: Disgaea: Disharmony of Friendship

Comics: Braeburn and Carrot Top/ Fourze and Luna

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Source: Whirly Willow

Pairings are all the rage these days. Everypony has to have somepony, or else they are nopony. Do you hear that, single ponies? Get crackin'! I want to see you all paired off by the time the sun is down. To get you motivated, please find above Braeburn and Carrot Top in the middle of their annual "Who has the most ridiculously sexy mane" competition and... I'm pretty sure there's nothing else going on in that one, so don't bother reading into it. And then below, for you Kamen Rider fans there's a bit of Kengo and Luna. I don't know how many of you are really going to catch the reference, but to quote Seth on this one, "This is ego anyway so it needs to post by default!" Well said!
More aboutComics: Braeburn and Carrot Top/ Fourze and Luna

Story: Letters and Words / In Defense of Acre / So Sweet and Tasty

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Three stories from Hiddenbrony, all found after the break! 

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More aboutStory: Letters and Words / In Defense of Acre / So Sweet and Tasty

Comic: Battle for Equestria (New Page 7+8!)

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Madmax does this really crazy Pinkie Pool Comic series every friday, so I'm going to compile them all into this Equestria Battle post!

Comics #7+8 are out!  You can find it below!
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Story: Storms On the Horizon (Update Part 2!)

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Author: Eeveexpert
Description: Reports of strange, almost sentient storms have been trickling into Canterlot from all over Equestria during the past month, and Princess Celestia has noticed an uncanny similarity between each of these reports. Every time one of these storms appears, it is clear that these storms are hunting for something.

Despite the obvious connections between each of these occurrences, it is unclear as to what it is that the storms in question are searching for. Unclear, that is, until tragedy befalls one of the Elements of Harmony. The remaining five ponies must hurry to uncover the answers to some very fundamental questions, all the while fighting to protect the remaining Elements.

However, in order to do so, they will have to dig down to the age-old fundamentals of good and evil, learning things about themselves that might have been better off left unlearned...

~Not every cloud has a silver lining, but everything good has something evil to go along with it.~
Deviant Art
Storms On the Horizon Part 1
Storms On the Horizon Part 2 (New!)

Storms On the Horizon

Additional Tags: Long, discord, good vs evil, adventure, self discovery
More aboutStory: Storms On the Horizon (Update Part 2!)

Nightly Roundup #94

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Ponies dancing edition, for no particular reason.  Have some news.

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Story: Near Death Experience (Update Part 9+10!)

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[Grimdark][Shipping][Comedy] I'm trying to decide if the normal tags or the additional ones break my head more. Jury's still out.


A horrible accident lands a pony on the crossroads between life and death. Can she bargain with the pony of Death to get her life back?

Near Death Experience (All Links)(New Chapter 9+10!)

Additional Tags:
Death, OC, romance, dramedy, mood-whiplash
More aboutStory: Near Death Experience (Update Part 9+10!)

Story: Sepia Tock: Adventures of the Ponyville Clockmaker (Update Part 5!)

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[Comedy][Normal] Hey! Finally someone wrote some other form of fanon for the dude with the hourglass!

Author: CanvasWolfDoll
Description: Sepia Tock is an artisan, friend, and citizen of Ponyville. He is not, however, Doctor Whoof.
Sepia Tock: Adventures of the Ponyville Clockmaker (All Links)(New Part 5)

Additional Tags: Clocks, Flying against fanon, Sock puppets
More aboutStory: Sepia Tock: Adventures of the Ponyville Clockmaker (Update Part 5!)

Story: Within and Without (Update 10, 11, 12, 13!)

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[Adventure] [Normal] [Light Shipping]

Author: Cloudy Skies
Description: Twilight and her friends are approached by Princess Luna who asks a few simple questions that trigger a long and perilous journey. Did you ever stop to wonder what became of Trixie, Gilda and Blueblood after your encounters? Who will benefit from seeking the answers - you, them, or I?

Within and Without (New 10,11,12,13): Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |

Additional Tags: Long, Peril, Perserverance, Self-Realization, Affection
More aboutStory: Within and Without (Update 10, 11, 12, 13!)