50,000 Visits!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, February 5, 2011

How the hell did THIS happen?  I didn't expect Equestria Daily to be anything more than a few news posts a day, and when I wrote the 10,000 visits post, I expected that 1500 people a day to be the cap. 

So why are there 6000 people a day now?  How many bronies ARE there?!

I am about 3000 views late thanks to trying to photoshop something cool.  I gave up though, I'm definitely not an artist. I think Trixie is a good enough crowd pleaser anyway! (inb4 tomatoes)

Not a ton has changed since the last news post.  It's been sort of slow for the past few days.  Thanks to all the writers resubmitting/adding summaries to their stories, they help out a ton and I'm more than willing to go in and edit every single one of the stories in the archive with your docs version/summary.  Hopefully I can get a side archive going or something, but I think the story archive does its job for now.  If you have any suggestions on categorizing it better, let me know.  I'm learning as I go.

If you frequent the site, you have probably seen all sorts of my "experiments" pop up and leave.  Blogger has a lot of limits.  I really wish I spent the last 5 years just reading HTML books instead of wasting time with my associates degree.  The things you can do with that kind of knowledge on the internet are amazing.  Just editing my widgets through the HTML tab is teaching me a ton of neat tricks.  That being said, if you have any ideas for stuff to add let me know, and I'll try them out.  I'm not saying I'll be successful, but I'll give it a shot. 

Thanks again everyone, and hopefully I'll L2photoshop by the time 100,000 rolls around. 

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