Star Ratings and Labels update

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sorry about the constant story archive updates.

I've taken feedback from the last one and am starting the process of marking everything with a few new things...

Star Ratings
I want to actual make use of the star rating system a bit more.  Stuff with 10 votes will be filed into one of 5 categories..
Star ratings will be rounded up (since they tend to do halves which i hate) So something with 4.5 stars will just be 5.  
For things that haven't reached 10 Star votes

People have asked me to sort things by Stars since I added the blog, and I think this is the best way to do it.  You can find these ratings in the "CATEGORIES" box under the poll next to episode download/steams

Author Tags
I have a ton of these tags in the categories.  I just got done cleaning all of the tags with only 1 story under them out.  Author Tags will be added once 2 stories are uploaded.  I figure people can just search by story if you have only ever added 1.  I will add your name in the actual story description though. 

If you are an Author, you would make it 100 times easier if you emailed me a list of your stories, especially those that don't have author tags but need them.  I know Knigh/tg/uy has uploaded more than 1 story, but I only have 1 tagged for example. 

I know star rating is exploitable with multiple IP addresses, but there isn't a website out there with stories where this isn't an issue, so try to use the honor system.  If i see a 10 star story with all 5's with 3 negative comments, I'll obviously know something is up.

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