Story Archive Ratings

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Friday, March 4, 2011

I haven't gotten any coding ideas for the archive, so I'm just going to use the tools available to me to structure it a bit further.

My idea original was to give every story with 10 star rating votes a (x/x) next to their link, showing what they are rated, then sort them from highest to lowest in their current pony->/ship/grim/normal/crossover categories.

Then I realized how few of the stories actually have 10 ratings right now.  So Maybe I'll bump it down to 7 or so.

What do you guys think of this? It should help organize it a bit better. A lot of stories will still remain unlabeled, and they will be the ones i pull out for archeology events.  Voting on /co/ last time didn't work out so well.


I am going to start giving author tags out after 2 stories. The categories on the side are getting a little bit overly-cluttered with all the author tags, many of which write one and never do another. 

This means you guys need to let me know when you hit the 2 story marks o I can tag all your stuff.  Some don't even have your author tags as is. 

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