Story: Butterscotch and BlogPony (Updated Chapter 2!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, March 3, 2011

[Random][Shipping] ummmmm.......I got shipped.. with an OC... 0_o
Description: Butterscotch is a pony in high school, and she absolutely LOVES writing stories about oher ponies. Sethisto BlogPony is the editor of the school newspaper and all Butterscotch wants is one fo her stories to be in it. Little does she realize, there is a cost to every wish.
Butterscotch and BlogPony (New!)

This is what happens when /co/ has nothing to talk about for a week.  Tomorrow's Episode better kick ass. I want to see Trixie, and Luna, and Tyrant Celestia, and confirmation of something that has us talking for WEEKS! And Rainbow Dash crashes the show with a sonic rainboom.

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