Friendship is Magic Posterpony for Fair Use Article

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A website called "Variety" recently published an article on Fair Use, using Friendship is Magic as the primary focus.  It talks about how different companies tend to treat the augmentaton of copyrights in unique ways.  Hasbro,  for example,  fully embraced out ridiculous crossover videos, which not only made our community stronger, but advertises the hell out of the cartoon. 

Can you imagine how difficult it would have been to spread without the freedom to use these characters in the majority of our fanworks?  Hell even my banners break every rule in the book.

I'm glad Hasbro took this route with us.  Brohoof's all around.

You can find the article here!

thanks to Calpain for the link! 

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