Story: The Search for Bighoof

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Friday, July 1, 2011

[Adventure][Comedy] Hey! Cheerilee finally got a story!  About time. 

Author: Lucres
Description: On a Filly Scout camping trip in the Whitetail Woods,
Scootaloo is determined to prove she’s not a chicken. In order to do
so, she sets out on her own to find and capture the legendary creature
known only as “bighoof”. Unfortunately, she’s about to find out that
the Whitetail Woods can be more dangerous than their serene appearance
suggests. Can Fluttershy bring her back safe, or will something else
find her first? Also, Cheerilee completely loses her mind!
In Search of Bighoof

Additional Tags: Episode-style, Scouting, Cryptids, Skepticism, Scootalove

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