Bronies For Good

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, August 1, 2011

Bronies For Good is a pony-based philanthropy dedicated to organizing Friendship is Magic fans across the country for various charity drives, and presenting a positive front for bronies to interact with the world at large. We've mentioned them once before in a Nightly Roundup, but they deserve a more prominent advertisement. Currently, the group is working with one Purple Tinker (you may have heard of her) to set up a food donation drive to take place during the next BroNYcon, and they're hoping to set up similar events with local groups across the country. This is an awesome and admirable goal, and definitely something worth checking out. Click around on the links below, and see for yourself if this is the sort of project you'd like to be a part of.
Bronies for Good on Facebook
Ponychan discussion thread
Ponychan organization thread

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