Story: The Struggle for Power (Update Chapter 8+9!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, August 2, 2011

[Adventure][Progressively Grimdark] Massive Update!

Author: Scribbles
Description: Princess Luna decides to leave Equestria, forever. She takes the moon
and night with her, throwing the natural order of things into chaos. But a
little investigation shows that Luna is about to carry out a plot devised
long ago with a dark purpose.
The Struggle for Power Chapter 1: The Grievance
The Struggle for Power Chapter 2: The Division Decision
The Struggle for Power Chapter 3: Bloody Ponies, they drive Twilight to Drink
The Struggle for Power Chapter 4: Oracle of Time and Devourer of Baked Goods 
The Struggle For Power Chapter 5: Sharp Words and Sharper Wings
The Struggle For Power Chapter 6: Too bad ponies don't have Google Translate
The Struggle For Power Chapter 7: The God of Stars and Vengeance
The Struggle For Power Chapter 8: Celestia's Plot Revealed  (New!)
The Struggle For Power Chapter 9: A Memory Bubble Within a Memory Bubble  (New!)

Additional Tags: A hidden plot of vengance

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