Comic: A Test of Strength

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, September 1, 2011


So. A comic. All dark and shadowy, with a story and stuff. You know what else it has? Here, let me quote the artist, "Gore, swearing, and OCs." If these things don't interest you, you might want to give this one a pass. If you do, then hay! I've got ten pages of super powered Twilight for you! =D

A Test of Strength: Page 1
A Test of Strength: Page 2
A Test of Strength: Page 3
A Test of Strength: Page 4
A Test of Strength: Page 5
A Test of Strength: Page 6
A Test of Strength: Page 7
A Test of Strength: Page 8
A Test of Strength: Page 9
A Test of Strength: Page 10

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