Rainbow Dash Guitar Game + Event

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dash with bedroom eyes playing a guitar?!

Another pony music game has been released from Distoorted on Livejournal.  You can find it here

And because I'm a masochist, I'm turning it into an event.  Create a song (At least 30 seconds long minimum) and send me an email with MUSIC in the subject field with your note combination in the body.

Example from the actual game: f~~~gf~s~f~~fsv~fc~v~s~f~s~~~~f~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~ 

Youtube Video of Longer Version

I'll take the first 30 (Assuming that many people submit) and toss them in the nightly roundup. 

{ 3 komentar... read them below or add one }

Anonymous said...

good image is rainbow dash awesome!

Anonymous said...

humm...which shall have the dj pon 3 the game guitar??

Anonymous said...

humm...which shall have the dj pon 3 the game guitar??

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