Story: CRISIS: Equestria (Update Part 5!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[Adventure] [Dark]

Author: GanonFLCL
Description: Twilight Sparkle and her friends find themselves in another universe, and their very being there threatens to tear their own world apart. They must find their way home, with the help of some new-found friends. But their quest is not without its obstacles, and this new world is ready to test their courage and their strength to their fullest...

CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 1
CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 2
CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 3
CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 4
CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 5 (New!)

Additional Tags: Action, Fantasy, Discord, Harmony, Epic

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